Everyday Mom's Meals: Spud Toss

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Spud Toss

No, I haven't invented a new game coming to a country fair near you. I'm actually trying to find new and creative ways of saying "potato salad" :) Let's face it, w/ as many recipes we have at our fingertips thanks to Mr. Internet, you have to catch someone's eye or they will pass right on by. And posting yet another recipe labeled the same as numerous ones before it is NOT the way to do it. But come on, it's the end of July, who can resist a good potato salad for a picnic, barbecue, pool party, or weeknight supper? Some things are just meant to be eaten during the fun of summer and it's one of them. Plus, there are 10000000000000 varieties out there to try, experiment w/ and make your own, so why not put a dent in that number while you can? This latest version comes to us from a fellow blogger friend, Wanna Be a Country Cleaver. I discovered her blog due to the vast connections I am making on Facebook with fellow food blogs and everyday foodies alike. I love her site, and this is just one of the many mouth watering recipes I want to try. And I have to say, b/c of this, she can be labeled "genius" from me! I shared with you that one of my favorite ways to eat a baked potato is "loaded". Well this smarty has taken that same idea and turned it into a potato salad. I know! I was excited too the first time I saw it. Obviously so, b/c I had to find a spot in my menu for it ASAP. Along side a beef roast I'm cooking on the grill (don't worry, that recipe is coming too) and some summer fresh cucumber slices, this tater salad is going to become a star at our dinner table in no time!

Loaded Potato Salad 
1 1/2 lbs. red potatoes, cut into 3/4" cubes. (Peel half. Leave other half w/ skin on)
1 oz. ranch dressing packet
3/4 c. sour cream
1/4 c. mayo
1/2 tsp garlic, grated
1/2 tsp ground pepper
1 tsp Dijon mustard
3/4 c. sharp cheddar cheese, shredded
5 slices bacon, cooked and chopped
2 TBS minced chives

Place potatoes in a large pot and cover w/ 1" of water. Bring potatoes to a boil, reduce heat and simmer 10 minutes on medium heat until fork tender. Drain. Place on lined baking sheet and sprinkle w/ ranch packet. Toss gently to coat. Place in fridge for 30 minutes or until cool. While cooling, whisk together sour cream, mayo, garlic, pepper and mustard. When potatoes cool, mix w/ sour cream mixture. Combine well. Fold in bacon and cheese. Sprinkle w/ chives and chill for 2 hours before serving.

Shared on Gooseberry Patch July 27, 2011
Shared on Miz Helen's Country Cottage July 28, 2011
Shared on It's A Keeper July 28, 2011
Shared on Around My Family Table July 28, 2011
Shared on Amee's Savory Dish July 29, 2011
Shared on Make Ahead Meals Aug. 1, 2011
Shared on Jam Hands Aug. 1, 2011
Shared on Lady Behind The Curtain Aug. 3, 2011


East9thStreet said...

Sounds delicious! But then, I think anything w/ bacon is delicious...lol.

Following you from the Food Blogger's Club. :)

Christine's Pantry said...

Looks wonderful! Yum! Thanks for sharing.

Miz Helen said...

Krista, that Potato Salad looks so delicious, we will really enjoy it. Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and hope to see you again real soon. Hope you are having a great week!
Miz Helen

Roz said...

Love this 'loaded' potato salad recipe! My family would eat the whole bowl on the spot, no leftovers! Thanks for sharing this with all of us. Hope you can stop by Fresh Food Fridays this week where 8 blogs are featured each week to discover and drool over their recipes!

Lisa @ Organized Chaos said...

Umm...YUM! I can't wait to try out this potato salad recipe! :)
I'm visiting from Lady Behind The Curtain Linkiy Party!
~Lisa @

Inspired by eRecipeCards said...

Hi Mom... Can I call you Mom??? Actually, I am older than dirt and would guess I am Grandpa's age to more than a few bloggers... But I digress. Just wanted you to know that I made this recipe just this morning for a Hamburger party at a neighbor's house tonight.

EVERYTHING is better with bacon!!!

I just really love this recipe. It came out PERFECT. made extra and gobbled it down for lunch. Anyway. Planning on making this my post tomorrow, just wanted to stop by and say hey and thanks...

Your cyber son

Krista said...

Oh, that's hilarious! And yes, you can call me "mom". I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

Inspired by eRecipeCards said...

And I did indeed post my version today. It was a BIG hit

love the bacon

Krista said...

I saw your post, it was lovely and made my day!

Anonymous said...

they sell it at safeway, its the only potato salad ill buy