In fact, when Alex was a baby, his favorite baby food, hands down, was the squash. Not the sweet bananas, like so many other kids. Sure, he liked those too, but if you really wanted to bring a smile to his face, a jar of squash was a guarantee. I can remember holding him while getting the jars out of the cupboard when lunch or dinner time rolled around, and he would stretch his little neck to see if there was any squash.
Anyway, I'm a squash fan from way back. My dad used to grow them in his garden, roast them and freeze it for the winter. But his favorite variety was buttercup, and to this today that is still what I associate with "winter squash" in my head. And if you've ever bought the frozen boxed squash in the grocery store, it was more than likely buttercup, with that bright orange color. And many times, that is exactly what I do when I want squash on my table. A couple boxes of it, some butter, salt and's quick, easy and yummy.
But every since I made the stuffed squash recipe last month, I've been on this acorn squash kick. I can't get enough. And since making it fresh isn't something I've done a lot of, it's always a treat to my "boys" too.
These would make a beautiful, simple, and tasty side dish for your Thanksgiving meal. And depending on how many people you are serving, you have a couple options to make sure you get the most "bang for your buck". (Just see the note below for serving options.) Sweet and savory, the glaze only enhances the flavor of the squash, not over powering it. It really allows the squash to shine, not to mention makes it gorgeous on a plate.
If you are a squash lover too, you are going to want to make this asap. And if you are in the midst of holiday meal planning, I think this would make the perfect addition!
Maple and Brown Sugar Roasted Acorn Squash
2 medium acorn squash, cut in half and seeded
4 TBS butter, melted
4 TBS brown sugar
4 TBS maple syrup
Salt and Pepper to taste
Preheat oven to 400. Line a rimmed baking sheet with foil. In a small bowl combine melted butter, sugar and syrup. Whisk well to combine. It will be thick and resemble caramel! Brush cavity of squash liberally with butter mixture. Leave a little extra in each "hole". Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Roast for 1 hour or until squash is fork tender. Sprinkle with extra brown sugar before serving.
*NOTE* To serve you have a couple options. If you're feeding a big crowd, scrape the squash from the skin into a casserole dish. Adjust seasoning and cover. If need be, you can put back in the oven to reheat. If there are only a few people, I think these are very pretty to serve on individual plates, as is, letting each person season their own.
Shared on The Country Cook Nov. 8, 2013

Squash at Very Good Recipes
My mom made this when I was little, but she baked it with maple suasage in the squash and then mashed it, put in a casserole and covered with the ssausage
I have a stuffed acorn squash recipe that includes sausage and apple. SO yummy!
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