Everyday Mom's Meals: Classic Doesn't Mean Boring

Friday, July 17, 2015

Classic Doesn't Mean Boring

Last week when we got back from our 2 week Florida vacation, I had a craving. Sure, there was the one to immediately go back because it was sunny and HOT there, not rainy and cool like here in Indiana. And there was the one to turn the car around because I knew the beach and amazing pool would still be waiting on me. But neither of those are what I'm talking about today. The one I'm referring to was much more topic appropriate. See, I came home with such a hankering for potato salad, it simply could not be ignored.

I have absolutely no idea where it came from. There is no logical explanation for it. It literally came out of nowhere and would not be silenced. As soon as I began to plan that first week's meals, I knew one of them had to include it...for my emotional well being.

I have a hundred different recipes for tater salad; and I'm always up for trying new versions. It is definitely one of the summer time foods I look forward to the most. But this craving was screaming for something simple. Something classic. Nothing fancy. I just wanted a good ol' fashioned eggy potato salad. I didn't really need anything else in it. No onion. No celery. No carrot. Just potato, eggs and dressing. At least the nagging craving wasn't demanding something elaborate!

So this is what I came up with. Classic. But definitely not boring. It's simple, but still scrumptious. It's easy enough for any weeknight meal, but tasty enough you can definitely serve it to guests, or take it along to a cookout or potluck.

Classic doesn't mean boring. It means something you can come back to and love at first bite, all over again. And who knows, the most simple dish might be the one everyone can't get enough of!

Classic Potato Salad
6 medium potatoes, peeled and cubed
6 hard boiled eggs, chopped
3/4 c. mayo
2 TBS mustard
1 tsp. sugar
1 tsp. celery seed
Salt and Pepper to taste

In a large pot, cover potatoes with cold water. Bring to a boil and cook until just fork tender, about 10 minutes. Drain and cool. In a medium bowl whisk together mayo, mustard, celery seed, salt and pepper. Combine eggs and potatoes in a large bowl. Pour dressing over and mix well. Sprinkle with paprika. Chill until ready to serve. 


Roxanne M. said...

That's kinda how i make mine! Except I don't like mustard so since my mama always added it yo hers I squirt just a tiny bit in it!! I haven't ever tried sugar in it. I do add the onions if my husband isn't looking! But plain and simple is really good!!

Anonymous said...

How many servings does this yield?

Krista said...

Hi Teri! This is the amount I make for 6-8 people. For the 4 of us, it's usually a side dish to a meal, and then leftovers the next day as well. Hope that helps!