Does your family enjoy a good ole' fashion fair as much as we do? We have certain ones we look forward to each year, and they are definitely a highlight of our summer. And at the fair, do you have your favorite food treat? Well, if so, you are in good company because we certainly do! At the top of my list are
lemonade shake-ups! From the time I was little, I have been almost obsessed. I remember when I was growing up our little town had a week long festival and while other kids were saving there allowance to play games and ride rides, I was saving up so I could drink as many shake-ups as I could! The same people were there every year selling them, and they got to know me by name! Now that I'm an adult, I will admit it's no different, except I no longer have to save my money because Adam goes prepared! He knows a large portion of our "fair budget" will be spent on my indulgence. He accepts this and doesn't ask questions! (Just another reason why I love him) And I have passed this love onto my son! So when we were at a fair a couple weeks ago, Adam walked me right over to the booth, bought the largest one he could ( you know the one...the plastic cup that comes with discounted refills) and told them "We will be back soon." To which I replied "Yeah this will last a good 5 minutes." Well, the guys working laughed and didn't believe me. Imagine their surprise when, just as promised, Adam was back in about 5 minutes getting a refill! HA! After we left Alex asked if we could make some at home. I told him we could, but here's the problem. I have made them many times at home and they
never taste the same, or as good! Never! But I couldn't totally disappoint my little man, so I told him instead we could make some homemade lemonade! He was happy, and I had another fun summer activity for him to help with. If you love shake-ups as much as we do, but agree they are never as good at home, this lemonade is a lovely substitution on a hot day. And be sure to come back tomorrow to see another fun treat this recipe led to!
Homemade Lemonade
3 lemons, juiced
1 c. sugar
5 c. cold water
lemons using an electric juicer. (I find this gets the most juice out
of them. If you don't have one, a reamer or by hand works fine too) In a
large pitcher, add lemon juice and sugar. Stir until sugar starts to
dissolve. Add water. Stir well. Chill. I like to serve this w/ sliced
lemons in each glass
He loved using the juicer! |
He's the best helper! |
Beverages at Very Good Recipes
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How sweet! I love how you're son gets involved and helps you out.
Your Son is just adorable and the Lemonade looks awesome! Hope you have a great week end and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
Come Back Soon!
Miz Helen
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