Everyday Mom's Meals: Annual Family Favorite

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Annual Family Favorite

Does your family have that one dish that you might only get once, maybe twice, a year when you're all gathered together, and for the other 11 months out of the year you crave it, dream about it, and think about the next time you'll get to indulge in it? Well, for the our family it is Adam's aunt's whipped jello. For 15 years, she has been hosting a winter party, usually on New Year's Day, when the family gathers together to celebrate one another, the fact we've made it through another year, and to eat some delicious food. The menu is always the same, and each of us are always responsible for bringing the same dishes year after year. But the one thing everyone looks forward to is her special jello. I remember the first time Adam took me to her party and he told me I had to try this amazing jello she makes. Well, I wasn't too thrilled, b/c to be honest, I'm not a huge jello fan. (When you have the flu as a kid, and your mom thinks green jello will help....and it doesn't....that kinda sticks w/ you) But I was young, 16 to be exact, and in love, and didn't want to have my boyfriend displeased w/ me. (Now, after being together for almost 15 years, married for 9...I would say "no" and be okay w/ it!) So I ate some. And some more. And some more after that. I couldn't believe how good it was, and that I truly liked it. No, I loved it, just like the rest of the family. If you would have asked me back then what was in the magical jello to make it so good, I would have bet money it contained either Sprite, 7UP, seltzer water, club soda...something to give it a light, airy, almost bubbly, melt in your mouth texture and flavor. After I had been in the family enough years I felt comfortable asking for her secret, I was floored to learn the answer. There is nothing in it but air!!! That's right, the "whipped" in her whipped jello is just that. She whips air into it. Through the years we've also discovered another interesting fact. The recipe isn't her original idea. In fact, through a hand written note in an old cookbook Adam and I found, we learned his grandmother, her mother, was the first one to do it. This year we asked why the technique ever came to life, and Adam's aunt said it was quite simple. "Mother got tired of all the kids (there were 10 of them) making a mess w/ jello; and she learned if she whipped it, it was easier for them to handle." Brilliant, right??!! I can totally understand why too. Even though you whip air into it, you let it finish setting, and it loses the "jiggle" of it, and it would be much easier for little hands. This continues to be one of our favorite treats at the holiday time, but I am determined to start making it at home more often so we don't have to wait any longer!

Whipped Jello
1 large box Raspberry Jello
Multi-Colored, Fruit Flavored Mini Marshmallows

Prepare Jello according to package directions. Let Jello get thick and chilled but not quite firm.(You can speed this along by adding ice cubes if necessary)  Then just whip it with an electric hand-held mixer--it turns to foam (think the consistency of egg whites), gets much lighter in color (red to pink) and can then be chilled again. Before returning to the fridge, fold in the marshmallows carefully. Chill until set.

*NOTE* If this doesn't work just right the first time, try using 1/4 c. less water the next time. Sometimes it works either way for me :)
~Join me for Tasty Tuesday on Formula Mom~

Shared on Mandy's Recipe Box Jan. 17, 2012 
Shared on Celebrating Family Jan. 17, 2012 
Shared on Chef in Training Jan. 17, 2012 
Shared on Lady Behind The Curtain Jan. 18, 2012 
Shared on This Chick Cooks Jan. 18, 2012 
Shared on Newlyweds Blog Jan. 18, 2012
Shared on Something Swanky Jan. 19, 2012 
Shared on Miz Helen's Country Cottage Jan. 19, 2012 
Shared on It's A Keeper Jan. 19, 2012 
Shared on The Country Cook Jan. 20, 2012
Dessert at Very Good Recipes
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Dannette said...

My husband loves Jello! What a fun technique to try!

Unknown said...

Wow! I have never whipped jello before... I will have to try! I have a linky on my blog each week & I would love to have you join in sometime.

Tabitha (a.k.a. Penny) said...

This is fascinating me. I need to see if my texture-sensitive child might try this since she hate regular Jello.

Thanks for stopping by Weekend Potluck.

Miz Helen said...

Hi Krista,
We used to make Jello like this when our kids were home, and I just love it. Your post has made me hungry for a nice bowl of it. Hope you are having a great week end and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
Come Back Soon!
Miz Helen