Everyday Mom's Meals: 2024

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Summer Needs To Slow Her Roll

  Anyone that knows me will tell you summer is my favorite season. Hands down. No contest. I love HOT sunny days by the pool, no setting an alarm and super fun days spent with my family. But most of all, I adore having my boys home with me, and I dread the first day of school. Yep, I am the mom that cries on that first day, no matter how old they get. 

So with August coming this week, I am starting to feel all the feels about my boys once again heading back to the classroom, and for the oldest, back to college. My mama heart hurts just thinking about it. 

However, this year's first day of school will look a little different four our big 2nd grader because Mommy will be joining him on the first day of school! How? Well, about two months ago I accepted the position of Admissions Director at his school, and it gives me the best of both worlds. It is part time, and the little guy can go with me when I work over the summer. Plus, it gives me time to continue my blogging and food writing, and I will continue to be a substitute aide in Kindergarten as needed as well. 

Our church and school community are truly like family, and I am so blessed to be so involved in both. The icing on the cake is when I drop him off in his classroom on that first day, I will be just down the hall in my office! Win win! 

But this excitement doesn't take away from the fact neither of us is ready for that first day yet! Summer needs to slow her roll and stay put a little while longer! 

So in that spirit, I'm sharing another recipe perfect for your next summer cookout! Let's face it, even after we're all back in school, those weekends will still be filled with fun in the sun! 

I have so many pasta salad recipe, but who doesn't enjoy a great basic macaroni salad? The hubby actually found this on YouTube one night and asked if I would make it...of course! It's got a creamy, sweet and sour dressing, some crunch from veggies and really goes well with anything you're grilling up! 

Thank you for always sticking with me on my blogging journey has life gets busier and I take on other adventures. My EMM family will always be a priority, even if new recipes have to be a little less frequent since I'm hanging out with the little guy at school! 

Can I use a different pasta?

Yes! I think rotini or shells would be great. I probably wouldn't use anything bigger. 

Can I use Miracle Whip instead of mayo?

I think they have such a different flavor profile, I wouldn't. Plus, with the addition of vinegar, it might be a little too tart. 

What other veggies could I use?

Any color bell pepper, some jalapeƱos for spice, diced cucumber or cherry tomatoes would be tasty!

Why don't I rinse the macaroni?

With most of my cold pasta salads, I always rinse with cold water and drain well. The creator of this recipe suggested to not rinse this one, to allow the dressing to really stick to it and it works SO well!  Be sure to read the recipe and tips to learn how!

Can I use a different vinegar?

I wouldn't recommend it. Apple Cider and others won't have the same flavor. 

How to store leftovers?

This salad will last in the fridge for 2-3 days in an airtight container.

Summer Macaroni Salad- EMM

 Best Tips

Do NOT rinse macaroni. Allow to sit at room temperature until it is almost completely cool. This makes it sticky and allows the dressing to adhere.

Before serving, stir well and if salad seems a little dry, add an extra dollop of mayo. Do the same thing when serving leftovers. 

Dice all veggies the same size for a perfect bite. 

Add diced poblano pepper or jalapeƱo for a little kick.

If you want to use Miracle Whip- the flavor will be a little extra tart. Try cutting back on the white vinegar. I haven't tried this, so I don't know results.

 Summer Macaroni Salad

1 lb. elbow macaroni, cooked to al dente

2 red bell peppers, diced

4 ribs celery, diced

1 bunch green onions, chopped

1/2 cup matchstick carrots

1 cup mayonnaise

1/4 cup white vinegar

1 1/2 TBS sugar

2 TBS Dijon mustard

Salt and Pepper 

After macaroni is cooked, drain well and let sit at room temperature to allow to cool almost completely. DO NOT RINSE. Combine the mayo, vinegar, sugar, mustard, salt and pepper and whisk well. In a large bowl, combine cooled macaroni and dressing. Stir well. Add chopped veggies. Stir well. Cover and allow to chill overnight. Stir well before serving. 

Summer Macaroni Salad

More Macaroni Salads To Try Next

Amish Macaroni Salad


Country Macaroni Salad


Tuna Macaroni Salad


Mom's Macaroni Salad



Monday, July 1, 2024

On The Blackstone Wagon

You know that moment when you see the new "it" thing and you say "What's all the hype? We don't need one." And then you find yourself jumping on the bandwagon and have to eat your own words? Yeah, that was recently us! 

We knew people who had a Blackstone. We had seen them on tv and net, but we had a grill, in fact we had two grills, so we didn't see the need. 

But then Mr E. stumbled upon the Blackstone smoker/griddle combo and the next thing we knew Lowe's was delivering it to our backyard. 

Well, a few smoked pork butts, beef brisket  and breakfasts cooked on the griddle later, we now understand all the fuss, 100%. I would even say Mr. E's a tad obsessed since his new moniker is "oooo could we smoke that?" (No, honey, we aren't putting fish sticks on the smoker....lol!)

Last weekend he was smoking another pork shoulder on a hot and steamy day. I was planning the sides and when I decided on macaroni and cheese I figured why not? So I read a few recipes online to get tips for the temperature and time and then got to cooking!

 Oh people! This mac and cheese is super ooey and gooey thanks to a homemade cheese sauce with not one, not two, but THREE cheeses! It has a rich, creamy texture with just a slight smoky flavor in the background. It comes together on the stove quickly and then the smoker takes care of the rest. 

We had a meal that could have come from our favorite barbecue joint, it was that tasty. Plus, we did it all without heating up the house! 

The next time you see the latest food trend, don't dismiss it right away because you never know when you will be joining in and wondering what took you so long! 

Can I use different cheeses?

Of course! I think a sharp white cheddar or pepperjack would be great! 

Why stir in a figure-8 pattern? 

This was a tip I learned from Rachael Ray years ago and it has never failed me. She said adding cheese and stirring this way would result in the smoothest sauce and it always does!

Can I use a different pasta?

Sure! Any of the smaller shapes will work best. Shells or rotini maybe! 

What if I don't have a smoker?

Don't worry, you can still make this. Follow the recipe, but bake in a 350-degree oven for about 20-25 minutes! 

Do I have to use heavy cream?

You could try swapping it out for half-and-half, but I don't know if it will be as creamy.

Smoked Macaroni & Cheese

Best Tips

Don't skip the step of warming the milk and cream. It will result in the smoothest sauce with no clumping. 

I used 2% milk. I don't recommend anything with a lower fat content.  

You want a blonde (light brown) roux for this, don't let it get too dark. 

Try adding in some green chilies or diced jalapenos for a Mexican flare. 

Any leftovers should be transferred to a container with a lid and refrigerated for 2-3 days.

Smoked Macaroni & Cheese

1 lb. elbow macaroni

2 cups 2% milk, warmed

2 cups heavy cream, warmed

1 stick butter

1/2 cup flour

1 TBS ground mustard

8 oz. shredded sharp cheddar cheese, 1/3 cup reserved

8 oz. shredded Monterey Jack cheese, 1/3 cup reserved

8 oz. shredded Gouda cheese, 1/3 cup reserved

Salt and Pepper

Dried Parsley

Lightly grease a 9x13 foil pan. Preheat smoker to 250. Boil macaroni until al dente, Drain well. Meanwhile, in a large skillet melt butter over medium high heat. Whisk in flour and mustard until smooth. Cook 2-3 minutes. Slowly whisk in milk and cream until smooth and combined. Season with salt and pepper. Bring to a light boil. Reduce heat to simmer and cook until thickened, about 5 minutes. Remove from heat and add cheeses, stirring in a figure-8 pattern until smooth. Add macaroni to cheese sauce and stir well. Transfer to foil pan. Top with reserved cheese. Cook on smoker for 1 hour. Remove, sprinkle with dried parsley and allow to sit 5 minutes before serving. 

Smoked Macaroni & Cheese

Inspired by Chiles & Smoke

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Hello Summer Vacation

 I was shocked when I began to write this post and realized I haven't published a new recipe since February! It certainly wasn't my intent, but what can I say? Life is busy and some times things you love get put on the back burner. I don't like admitting I can't do it all, but with all of my other jobs and responsibilities, testing new recipes just doesn't happen like it used to. 

So thank you to all of you who have stuck around and keep following even when I seem to disappear for a while. I'm hoping to publish more new stuff this summer, so stay tuned! 

Speaking of summer, we are SO happy school is out and we are on total break mode. We've actually been out for a couple weeks now, trying to fit in as much fun as we can. Plus, Bubbie is home, and while he's working a lot, he is still finding time to hang out with us too, so my mama heart is full!

With warm weather here, cookout season in full swing and July 4th just around the corner, I thought it was a great time to share a new summer salad! This has a cabbage base, fresh veggies, Asian flavors and an extra crunch from nuts too. 

I served this with some frozen egg rolls and dumplings for a super easy weeknight supper, but it would be a great take-along to any summer gathering, plus with no mayonnaise, it is one you don't have to worry about on a hot day! 

I wish I could say these long periods with no new recipes won't happen again, but let's face it, they probably will. Life is hectic, and we all do what we can in the time we have! But you can always find me posting stuff on Facebook and Instagram too, so even if the blog itself is a little slow, I'm still around every single day! 

What kind of cabbage to use?

I used green cabbage, but napa would be delicious too. Purple would add a lovely color as well.

Why two different oils?
Olive oil is what you want to make a dressing with. Sesame oil is used sparingly in recipes as a finishing oil or for flavor. 

Where can I find sesame oil?

In the Asian food section of the grocery store, or your local Asian market. One bottle will last a while, so make the investment! 

Can I use a different nut?

Sure! Swap the almonds for roasted salted peanuts! 

Where can I find sesame seeds?

In my local Walmart they are in the baking aisle with other herbs and spices. I've also seen them on the Asian foods aisle.

Summer Asian Cabbage Salad

 Best Tips

Feel free to shred your own cabbage, but the bagged stuff saves time! You can even use the tri-color coleslaw mix! 

If you use low sodium soy sauce, you might need to add a little extra salt for flavor. 

If you use a regular cucumber, be sure to peel and remove the seeds. 

My husband added hot sauce to his and said it is delicious spicy!

Sesame oil has a strong flavor. Start by adding 2 teaspoons and add more if desired. 

Serve this as a side dish with some egg rolls or steamed dumplings. Or take it to your next cookout as a summer salad!

Summer Asian Cabbage Salad

2 (10 oz.) bags shredded cabbage

1 English cucumber, diced

1 red pepper, diced

2 medium carrots, grated

2 TBS dried parsley

3/4 cup sliced almonds

1/4 cup olive oil

2 TBS soy sauce

2 garlic cloves, minced

2 TBS honey

Juice of 1 lemon

2-3 tsp. sesame oil

1/2 tsp. salt

1/4 tsp. black pepper

1 TBS sesame seeds

In a large bowl combine cabbage, carrots, cucumber, red pepper, parsley and almonds. In a small jar combine olive oil, soy sauce, honey, garlic, lemon juice, sesame oil, salt and pepper. Shake well. Pour over salad. Mix well. Sprinkle with sesame seeds. Chill at least 1 hour before serving. 

Summer Asian Cabbage Salad-EMM


Sunday, February 25, 2024

Pasta For Lent

No matter if you celebrate Lent or not, are looking for meat-free dinners or not, this pasta bake is going to end up on your menu plant ASAP. How do I know? Because I am a busy mom who loves to be able to make dishes with short ingredient lists too, and if I have everything on hand already, even better. 

First let's talk about the inspo for this recipe. Those meat-free Friday meals so many of us have to plan during Lent. Let's face it, there is only so much fish and cheese pizza you can eat.  

Pasta bakes seem like a great alternative, but guess what I realized when I went back through my archives to share some on my Facebook page. Most of them, at least mine, contain meat of some sort. Ground beef, sausage, chicken, meatballs...our favorites seem to always have meat in them. Which during most of the year is no big deal, but if there are EMM loyalists out there looking for something meatless, they aren't going to much help. 

So why create a new dish and not just omit the meat from another? Well, for one, that's my job lol and two, because sometimes if you omit meat from a pasta bake, it isn't going to set up right because the liquid to protein ratio will be off. Nobody wants a soggy pasta supper. 

This is basically a grown up version of a dish my husband has been making for a quick weekend for our entire almost 21 year marriage; and also makes for our boys, whom love it. He literally boils a box of elbow macaroni, mixes it with a jar of pasta sauce (usually the cheapest kind he can find) and done. That's it. Maybe sprinkle with a little Parmesan at the table. 

I took that concept, made it a little more bougie with a nice flavored pasta sauce, penne pasta and added a ton of cheese. Why so much cheese? Because your kids will gobble this down when they see how ooey gooey it is. Oh, and talking about kids- if you have picky eaters who don't groove on the meat so much, how happy are they going to be to find out this is just noodles, sauce and cheese? 

Cheesy Baked Penne is super easy, super affordable and 100% delicious. It also happens to be one of those pastas that tastes great (almost better) the next day for lunch. 

If you are celebrating Lent, I hope this is helpful for you, but if you aren't, still give it a try on a night when you just can't handle complicated!

Cheesy Baked Penne

Can I use a different kind of pasta? 

Sure! Whatever you have on hand will work: elbows, rotini, ziti, shells, etc. 

Can I use a different kind of pasta sauce? 

Yep! I like the flavor of tomato & basil, but traditional or marinara would also work. Obviously if you're trying to go meat free, a meat flavored one not so much.

  Why 3-4 cups of cheese?

 I wanted to use all 4 cups I had, but decided 2 cups was a little too much for the top. But you can use whatever amount your family will like.

Cheesy Baked Penne

Best Tips

Look for a jarred sauce that says "thick" so it bakes up nicely. 

You could add veggies this as well: mushrooms, zucchini, eggplant, spinach. Be sure to precook them and drain off any extra liquid. 

An Italian blend cheese would work too. 

Add some dried red pepper flakes for a little spice. 

Store leftovers in an airtight container in the fridge for 2-3 days. Cover to reheat in microwave. 

Cheesy Baked Penne

2 (16 oz.) boxes penne

2 (24 oz.) jars tomato basil pasta sauce

1/2 tsp. garlic powder

1 tsp. Italian seasoning, extra for top

1/2 tsp. salt

1/4 tsp. pepper

3-4 cups shredded mozzarella cheese 

Preheat oven to 350. Grease a deep 9x13 baking dish. Boil pasta until al dente. In a large bowl combine pasta sauce and seasonings. When pasta is cooked, drain well. Add to sauce. Mix well. Add half pasta to bottom of baking dish. Sprinkle with 2 cups cheese. Add rest of pasta. Top with remaining cheese, either 1-2 cups. Sprinkle with extra Italian seasoning. Bake for 20-25 minutes until cheese is melted. Let stand 5 minutes before serving. 

Cheesy Baked Penne

More Pasta Bake Recipes To Try 

Baked Goulash

Lasagna Casserole

Cheesy Baked Tortellini 

Easy Baked Ziti  

Copycat Pizza Hut Cavatini 

Baked Spaghetti

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Some Might Call Me Obsessed

 Over the past year, nothing has been posted more to EMM than frozen meatball recipes. I make no apologies for it, and I hope you guys are enjoying them as much as I am creating them. 

I blog what we eat. Sure, there are times when I try to keep up with food trends like when I made Marry Me Chicken, Whipped Hot Chocolate and Cafeteria Noodles to name a few. And while we enjoyed those recipes very much, for the most part what you see on the blog are dishes I have made with the intention to simply just get supper on the table.

Hence why so many meatball recipes have made their way to your feed thanks to my page. I have become a little obsessed with finding new ways to utilize one of my favorite frozen foods. 

So how did this latest one come to be? I was planning a Mexican night at home, but wasn't feeling tacos, burritos or nachos. Time to see if I could combine my meatball friends with Mexican flavors we love. The answer? YES! 

Crock Pot Enchilada Meatballs can be served as a tasty appetizer for a crowd or for an easy weeknight supper like I did, alongside some cheesy rice. You could also pile them into a hoagie roll, top with cheese, lettuce and tomato for a tasty twist on a meatball sub! 

If you saw yet another meatball recipe and groaned, I'm sorry you're disappointed. But I promise you might change your mind at the first bite!

What kind of meatballs do I use?

You want to look for the frozen meatballs called "homestyle" or sometimes original. Italian ones won't taste the same.

 Can I cook on high instead of low?

If time is an issue, yes you can cook these on high for 2 hours.

 Can I substitute something for the enchilada sauce?

While I haven't tried anything else, you could! Maybe a green verde sauce or even a salsa instead. If you do, let me know how it goes!

What do I serve with Crock Pot Enchilada Meatballs?

Some ideas: Cilantro rice, refried beans, chips and salsa, fiesta corn, black beans

 What is your favorite brand of frozen meatballs?

My two favorite frozen meatballs to use are the Great Value brand at Walmart and Bremer's at Aldi. Yep, both are just as tasty as name brand and much. more budget-friendly!

Crock Pot Enchilada Meatballs

 Best Tips
Be sure to stir the meatballs well before serving to coat them well in the sauce.
If you can find a packet of enchilada seasoning instead of taco, that would be perfect!
Like things spicy? Use Pepper Jack cheese, spicy Rotel and/or diced jalapeƱos.
A can of diced green chilies would be delicious too.

Crock Pot Enchilada Meatballs

1 (28 oz.) bag frozen homestyle meatballs

1 (10 oz.) cans red enchilada sauce

1 (10 oz.) can Rotel 

1 packet taco seasoning

Shredded Mexican style cheese 

Cilantro, for garnish

In the bottom of Crock Pot, whisk together enchilada sauce, Rotel and taco seasoning. Add meatballs. Stir to combine. Cook on LOW 4 hours. Keep on warm until serving. Stir before serving. Sprinkle with cheese and cilantro. 

Crock Pot Enchilada Meatballs

More Meatball Recipes To Try Next

Crock Pot French Onion Meatballs 

Crock Pot Italian Meatballs 

Crock Pot Korean Meatballs

Crock Pot Meatball Subs

Crock Pot Hawaiian Meatballs 

Meatball Pasta Bake

 Crock Pot Teriyaki Meatballs 

Crock Pot Swedish Meatballs

Sunday, January 21, 2024

A New Normal

 Have you been wondering where your friendly everyday mom has been? I posted back before Christmas and then kind of disappeared. It wasn't intentional, believe me. 

The holiday hustle and bustle had me going like crazy those last two weeks before school go out. Then we we were enjoying having big brother home for almost a month, with lots of Christmas and New Year celebrations. Then before we knew it, or wanted, it was time to take the college kid back to Purdue and for Max to begin his 3rd quarter of first grade. 

What some of you might not know is I am a substitute kindergarten aide at our school too. I began last year in Max's class, and now this year I have continued in the same class. I can't express how much I love being in the school, surrounded by my friends, our church/school family and the kids. Plus, I get to see Max throughout the day too! He loves the days when he "gets to take mommy to school." 

Plus, I am also the vice president of our PTL (think PTA) as well. So I spend many of my days at school in the classroom or working on projects. But I would not have it any other way. God certainly knew exactly what I would need when my first baby spread his college wings. 

The only downside to all of this, and it is a very small one, is that my time in the kitchen cooking and testing recipes isn't as abundant as it used to be. No fear though! I am finding balance with our new normal, and this weekend I told myself I was making something new to share, no matter what! 

With the frigid, arctic temps we've been having, I figured a new, tasty soup would be much appreciated. Add in the fact it cooks in about 20 minutes, but still has rich flavor, and will thaw you out in no time! 

Quick Cooking Wonton Soup tastes like you called in an order to your favorite Chinese restaurant, but can be on the table in less time than it takes to find the takeout menu in the junk drawer! Frozen wontons are the secret, and I bet your favorite grocery store has them, even if you don't realize it.

Please don't think your everyday food blogger has abandoned you. I am still here, and will continue to cook up yummy things you have to try!

What kind of wontons do I use?

I used pork and vegetable mini wontons. The same brand came in chicken and veggie too. I liked the fact they were mini size to fit on the spoon too! 

Where can I find frozen wontons?

Look for the wontons in the freezer section next to the egg rolls, pot stickers, etc. 

Why so many carrots?

You might see the amount of carrots in your bowl and wonder why. Easy. Any time I can slip extra veggies into a dish, I will. They don't affect the color, taste or texture, so why not?

Do I have to use sesame oil?

Nobody will know if you don't, but it truly finishes off the flavor to closely match a restaurant soup. You can find it next to the soy sauce, and since it is a finishing oil, a bottle will last a long time.

What is chili crisp?

I served this on the side for my husband who loves all things spicy. Chili Crisp is a spicy, crunchy Asian condiment. Chilies, garlic, scallions and other ingredients are fried and then added to oil. You can find it on the Asian foods aisle or any Asian market.  

Quick Wonton Soup-Everyday Mom's Meals

Best Tips:

The wontons will soak up the broth very quickly. Serve immediately. If you have leftovers, you will want to add extra for reheating. 

When stirring the soup, be very gentle. And be sure to simmer, not boil the entire time. Both of these will cause the dumplings to fall apart. 

You could use vegetable broth instead. I would not recommend beef.  

Regular size wontons will be great, you might have to cut them for little ones. 

Serve the chili crisp on the side for anyone who likes it spicy, but use sparingly! 

Chow Mein noodles would make a great topping too!

Quick Wonton Soup

2 (32 oz.) boxes chicken broth

1 (10 oz.) bag matchstick carrots

5 green onions, chopped, extra for garnish

2 garlic cloves, minced

1/2 tsp. ground ginger

1 1/2 TBS soy sauce

1/2 tsp. sesame oil

1 (24 oz.) bag frozen pork and vegetable min wontons

In a Dutch oven, combine chicken broth, soy sauce, garlic and ginger. Stir well. Bring to a boil over medium high heat. Add carrots, green onions and wontons. Bring back to a boil. Cover and reduce heat to simmer. Cook 8-10 minutes until wontons are cooked. Add sesame oil and stir well. Serve with green onions, oyster crackers and spicy chili crisp on the side. 

Quick Wonton Soup-Everyday Mom's Meals

Inspired By Let's Dish