Sunday, May 27, 2012

Memorial Day Round Up

In lieu of our weekly Church Supper, I figured it might be nice to "round up" some recipes that would be perfect for all your barbecue, grilling out, picnic, pool party plans for tomorrow! Don't worry, Church Supper will return next week as scheduled!

I hope each of you has a very Happy Memorial Day spent with family and friends making memories and eating some delicious food. And let us never forget why we gather and remember on Memorial Day and those who paid the ultimate sacrifice so we could be with those we love most in the world.

Happy Memorial Day!!!



Key Lime Poke Cake

I hope everyone has a safe, healthy, happy and yummy holiday weekend!


  1. So what time do you want me over?! LOL, Just kidding. It all looks delicious!!!

  2. Yeah I'll bring plates and cups! Yum! Great round up! Thanks for the post!


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