Monday, May 5, 2014

101 Super Easy Slow Cooker Recipes {A Review and Giveaway}

I'm so excited to be back with another terrific cookbook from my good friends at Gooseberry Patch. I know how many of you share my love for all things GP, and I also know how many of you are always looking for tasty slow cooker meals. Well, folks, welcome to the best of both worlds. That's right, their latest cookbook is jammed packed with yummy, slow cooker dishes your family is cooking to love!

I've got your attention now, don't I? From appetizers, to mains, to sides and desserts, this latest gem from Gooseberry Patch has ideas for every meal of the day. And probably a couple you would have never thought of. For example, how about cake in your slow cooker? Yep, it's in there. And one of my favorite parts is how they broke this one up. Instead of categories according to the recipes, they used time instead. So you know exactly the block of time you're looking at when pick one out. 

The first recipe I am sharing is something I've wanted to make for a long time...cabbage rolls. But to be honest, they intimated the bee-geezus out of me. Hence why I've served my Cabbage Roll Casserole to my family for years. Same flavors, less scary. But I had never seen a slow cooker version, until now. Right away, the intimidation factor went down and I knew I could do this one!

My husband's mother used to make these a lot when he was growing up, (the old fashioned way of course) so he was excited to see a blast from the past on our dinner table. They were simple to make, cooked all day while I went about my business and were a scrumptious supper waiting on me when I was ready. True comfort food with very little effort on my part; and absolutely nothing to be scared of.

So if you're looking to add some new slow cooked flair to your menu plans, be sure to check Gooseberry Patch's newest creation out today....maybe by winning a copy! That's right, they gave me an extra one for one lucky EMM reader. Just be sure to scroll down under the recipe for your chance to win! Oh, and if you do get a chance to take a gander, be sure to drop by Page 100  for a fantastic Split Pea Soup might just recognize the author!

Mom's Classic Cabbage Rolls
Submitted by Dixie Dill Elkland, MO Found on Page 21
1 1/2 lbs. ground beef
1/2 c. instant rice, uncooked
1 egg
1 tsp. garlic powder
1/2 t. salt
1/2 t. pepper
1 onion, diced
12-14 cabbage leaves

Tomato Sauce:
2 ( 8 oz.) cans tomato sauce
Juice of 2 lemons
3 TBS flour
1/2 c. sugar

In a small bowl, combine all ingredients for tomato sauce and mix well. Set aside. In a large bowl, mix together uncooked beef and remaining ingredients except cabbage leaves. Set aside. Drop cabbage leaves into boiling water for 3-4 minutes, until pliable. Drain. Place 1/4 cup beef mixture in the center of each leaf. Fold in sides and roll up. Set aside. Pour half the tomato sauce into slow cooker. Add cabbage rolls. Pour remaining sauce over top. Cook on HIGH for 5-6 hours. *NOTE* Shown here garnished with dried parsley.


1. This contest is open to US Residents 18 and older ONLY.

2. The winner will be chosen by 

3. The winner will be notified by email and Facebook. He/she will have 48 hours to respond or another winner will be chosen. 

4. When leaving comments for entries, they MUST BE SEPARATE ones AND include an email address so it's easy for me to find the winner. If entries are together, it will only count as (1) and if no email, entry will not be considered.

5. If any of the extra entries are items you are already doing, please just remind me!

6. Contest Ends: May 15, 2014

(1) Lucky Winner will receive:
(1) copy of

Mandatory Entry:
1. Leave a comment telling me your favorite slow cooker meal.

Extra Entry:
1. Become a Gooseberry Patch fan on Facebook. Leave me a comment when you have. 

2.  Follow Gooseberry Patch on Twitter. Leave a comment saying you've done so.

3. Follow Gooseberry Patch on Pinterest. Leave me a comment when you have. 


Disclaimer: I was given a free cookbook and one to give away to a fan for this review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.


  1. I cook large quantities of ground beef to package in meal size measurements and freeze to use later. Shirley at

  2. I guess my favorite is Country Style Steak!

  3. I like doing bbq in the slow cooker. Just put a big piece of meat, I either use pork shoulder or pork butt, and put it on low. Check every so often to see when the meat starts to shred. When it is ready, you can put the slow cooker on warm or low, mix with bbq sauce if you want. Very Yummy!

  4. My favorite slow cooker meal is Pot Roast with carrots, potatoes, and onions.

  5. My favorite is Chicken Tacos. They are quick, easy and a family favorite.

  6. My favorite in the crock pot is pot roast with carrots and taters!

  7. I already follow Gooseberry Patch on Facebook.

  8. I follow Gooseberry Patch on Facebook.

  9. I also follow Gooseberry Patch on Twitter.

  10. I follow Gooseberry Patch on Pinterest as well!

    Sorry if I've duplicated, had some trouble with the computer this morning!

  11. I made an orange chicken the other night that will be on the menu every month from now on. It was awesome and very easy.

  12. I like the Goose Berry Patch on Facebook already. I have several of their cookbooks.

  13. I love making soups in my crock-pot! So delicious!
    jdluckymm at gmail dot com

  14. I follow Gooseberry Patch on Facebook.
    jdluckymm at gmail dot com

  15. I follow Gooseberry Patch on Twitter.
    jdluckymm at gmail dot com

  16. I follow Gooseberry Patch on Pinterest!
    jdluckymm at gmail dot com

  17. I love to make French dips!

  18. I already followed Gooseberry on Twitter.

  19. I followed GB on Facebook.

  20. My favorite slow cooker meal is Beef Bourguignon which Gooseberry Patch is including in an upcoming cookbook

  21. I follow Gooseberry Patch on Facebook

  22. I follow Gooseberry Patch on Pinterest

  23. This Slow Cooker Cilantro Lime Chicken is my favorite:

  24. My favorite slow cooker recipe is beef tips and noodles! So easy and such a good meal!

  25. I am a fan of Gooseberry Patch on Facebook!

  26. I follow Gooseberry Patch on Twitter!!

  27. I follow Gooseberry Patch on Pinterest!!

  28. I love to make roasts, both beef and pork. Nice and slow so they just fall apart then we have shredded meat for tacos, bbq sandwiches, whatever we want to add it to!! Yumm :)

    luvcooking2 at yahoo dot com

  29. I'm already a fan of Gooseberry Patch on Facebook!

    luvcooking2 at yahoo dot com

  30. I already follow Gooseberry Patch on Twitter!

    luvcooking2 at yahoo dot com

  31. I already follow Gooseberry Patch on Pinterest!

    luvcooking2 at yahoo dot com

  32. I need a variety of recipes for the slow cooker so I can use it more-please HELP-Thanks :) :)!!


  34. I love making beef stew and minestrone in my crock pot. I'm already a fan on facebook and Pinterest. Thank you.

  35. Hi. I'm still looking for my favorite slow cooker meal. I find it kinda hard. I keep trying though!

  36. I follow Gooseberry on Facebook

  37. My favorite slow cooker meal is Creamy Italian Chicken, served over rice - YUM! It's fast & easy & I always have the ingredients on hand (frozen chicken breasts, dry Italian salad dressing mix, cream cheese, cream of chicken soup). My family loves it!!!

  38. scrappingdrs@yahoo.comMay 15, 2014 at 2:54 PM

    I follow GP on Facebook.

  39. I would love to learn how to use my slow cooker!

    Growing up, my dad made a stew of beef and potatoes. I believe he said that he would make this in college, freeze it, and it would get him through the week.

    If I could master the slow cooker, I'd like to learn how to make slow cooker meatballs in a different way than on the stove. Or I would make something vegetarian, like a soup.

    You can find my email on my Google Plus profile. Do this by clicking on my name.

  40. I follow Gooseberry on Facebook.

    You can find my email on my Google Plus profile. Do this by clicking on my name.

  41. I follow Gooseberry on Twitter, with both of my accounts.

    You can find my email on my Google Plus profile. Do this by clicking on my name.

  42. I follow Gooseberry on Pinterest.

    You can find my email on my Google Plus profile. Do this by clicking on my name.


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