Thursday, July 25, 2013

Fifty Shades of Kale { A Review}

Have you heard the term "superfood"? It's one that is being tossed around a lot lately when it comes to folks trying to eat right and only putting things into their bodies that fuel them for life. And one of the ones I hear the most about, is one I actually adore...kale.

Now you can learn about kale, all of it's wonderful varieties and enjoy 50 fresh and satisfying recipes starring kale in the new cookbook, Fifty Shades of Kale, by Drew Ramsey, M.D and Jennifer Iserloh. (I love that title!)

"Kale is the queen of the cruciferous vegetables, a family of superfoods packed with nutritional benefits." In fact, did you know one serving has more than 600 percent of your daily Vitamin K allowance? Plus, it has more Vitamin C than an orange! Not to mention Vitamin A and Calcium too! Now you can see why it's called a superfood!

I had not idea there were so many varieties of kale out there. Okay, so maybe there aren't exactly 50, but it's close! Inside this book you can learn to do so many things with all of them. From breakfast dishes to appetizers, favorites like pastas and tacos, it truly has something for everyone.

One of my favorite parts of the book is on pages 11-15, "Coupling with Kale." This section gives you some great matches for serving with it, and things you should have in your pantry and fridge to make the best of your kale experience.

If you love kale and want to cook with it even more, or maybe are looking for  away to incorporate it into your diet, be sure to check them out on Facebook, and visit their site for more info, and ordering.

Disclaimer: I was given a copy of this cookbook for review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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