Friday, July 26, 2013

Chippy Side Dish

Have you ever had one of those moments where you see something that is new to you, and for the next few days, or even weeks, you start to see it everywhere? Like it never existed in your world, and all of sudden you are inundated with it? It's similar to when you buy a new car, and driving home you begin seeing the same one all over the road! Well, this recipe is a great example of just that. 

I had never heard of this my entire life. That's right 32 years of never knowing there was such a thing. Then at the beginning of the summer I saw it online....once...twice...three times...and again! I saw it every where from my good friend Brandie, The Country Cook, to Paula Deen on tv to a friend talking about it on Facebook, and finally I found it while trolling through a cookbook. It was like the gods were trying to tell me something. I finally accepted the signs and decided to try it for myself.

Now I'm guessing since it's been popping up all over the place, this is one of those recipes that can be made a thousand different ways, and everyone that makes it does it that way because someone before them, perhaps mom or grandma, made it that way. So, this is my version. A little of this and a little of that from each different version I found. I guess if I was going to site a source, I would have to say "inspired by everyone who has ever made this." 

For those of you like me who had no idea such a concoction existed, let me tell you, it's delicious! Creamy and crunchy, sweet with just a little zip from the chilies, it makes a great side dish for any barbecue or backyard party! If you are going to a cookout this weekend, take this instead of the old stand bys! Give them something new to try! 

Or, perhaps when you show up with it, you'll hear about how someone has been making it for years, and the next day someone else will tell you the same thing. If it starts to feel like you are seeing it everywhere and anywhere, don't feel bad. You probably are. It's okay though. It's yummy enough you'll be happy you are!

Corn Chip Salad 
1 (10 oz.) bag corn chips
2 (15 oz.) cans corn, drained
1 orange bell pepper, chopped
1 (10 oz.) can diced tomatoes and green chilies, drained
2 c. shredded sharp cheddar cheese
1 c. mayo
2 green onions, chopped, for garnish

In a large bowl combine corn, pepper, diced tomatoes, and cheese. Stir well. Add mayo. Mix to combine. Chill for at least an hour. Right before serving, stir in chips, crushing slightly. Garnish with green onions and extra chips.

Shared on The Country Cook July 26, 2013
Shared on Mandy's Recipe Box July 30, 2013


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