Wednesday, July 24, 2013

In Lieu Of Birthday Cake

For those of you who don't know, this past Sunday was Mr. Everyday's 39th birthday. We were lucky enough to have it land on the weekend, so I was able to plan a nice dinner for him, along with his parents, (little man was at Vacation Bible School) with some summer time favorites to treat him with. And to finish it off...nope not birthday cake...something even better (to him) a new raspberry pie recipe!

To me, everyone should get to have what they want for dessert on their birthday. For some, that is cake, every single year, but for others, we like to mix it up. One year I can remember asking my mom for her Peach Custard Pie. Another...I wanted pumpkin...and my birthday is in February. She was happy to oblige, after all it was my special day. Years later she had to laugh because my son requested her to make the same thing for his birthday...pumpkin pie...and his in in September. I can't say I blame him. Mom makes a pretty darn good pumpkin pie! 

The past few years, my choice as been a giant cookie cake. I'm sure you've seen the ones. The ginormous chocolate chip cookies that are frosted...oh Mylanta...they are so yummy! But for Mr. Everyday's special day, if I can include something with words raspberry pie, I know I will score major wife points! In fact, a few years ago, I attempted my very first raspberry pie from scratch for his birthday. Yeah...I got extra smooches that day! 

This year, my mom actually saved this recipe for me from the evening paper, because she knew her favorite son- in -law (yeah, he's the only one too) would flip for it. And flip for it he did...we all did. Myself, my in-laws and Alex all thought it was incredibly tasty! I'm not a huge raspberry fan, and even I was licking the spoon. Sweet, creamy, fruity... it hits all the right notes. Plus the crust...well, it's too good for words! 

I'm so happy I am able to use my love of the kitchen to treat my special guy to something extra special on his special day! If you have a raspberry lover in your house, they will adore you forever because of this pie. And when it's your birthday, don't forget to request exactly what you want for's your right...seriously...I think it's in the constitution! Okay, maybe not, but it should be!

Raspberry Cream Pie with Coconut Crust Adapted from Dash Insert
1 (5.3 oz.) package shortbread cookies
2/3 c. packed sweetened coconut
1 stick butter, melted
3 (6 oz.) containers fresh raspberries, divided
1 (14 oz.) can sweetened condensed milk
3 large egg yolks, beaten
2 tsp. cornstarch
4 oz. cream cheese, at room temperature
Powdered Sugar

In a food processor, pulse cookies until finely ground. Add coconut and pulse to mix. Add butter. Pulse to mix (will resemble dough). Spoon into an 8-inch pie plate. Using fingers, press in bottom and up sides to form crust. Freeze for 15 minutes.

Place a fine mesh strainer over a small sauce pan. Press 1 container of the raspberries into strainer. Using the back of a wooden spoon, press them through, "juicing" them. You need approximately 1/3 cup of juice. Discard solids. Whisk juice, egg yolks, cornstarch and condensed milk. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until it just starts to simmer, about 8 minutes. Remove from heat and transfer to a medium bowl. Using electric mixer, beat in cream cheese until smooth. Allow to cool 5 minutes. Poor into crust. Refrigerate at least 2 hours. Top with other 2 containers of raspberries and sprinkle with powdered sugar before serving. 

Shared on Lady Behind The Curtain July 24, 2013
Shared on The Country Cook July 26, 2013


  1. i think i'd take this over cake any day! love raspberries and coconut together :)

  2. I soooo love raspberry pie. Yours sounds perfect. I think the addition of coconut and raspberries sounds so yummy. Thanks so very much for sharing at Weekend Potluck.

  3. Well I decided I LOVE your pie so much, I chose it at my personal favorite at Weekend Potluck. *-* Hope you come on over and check it out...and link up more of your yummy dishes. Enjoy a great weekend!


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