Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Our Day At The Museum

Well, those 10 days went way too fast! Spring Break that is! I know many of you are sharing in our despair that the vacation is over and we are back to school and for some of us, work. I also know that many of you are returning from sunny places and warm beaches, which only makes it harder. But I also know that like us, many of you stayed close to home and spent your Spring Break enjoying things within driving distance.

Since we take our annual beach vacation in the summer, our Spring Break usually includes finding fun things to do around Fort Wayne, or since we are only 2 hours from Indianapolis, heading to our state's capital for even more choices. And one of our favorite places to visit while "down south" is The Children's Museum.

For fellow Hoosiers reading this, I know a large percentage of you have not only visited the museum yourselves, but would agree with me that we are so incredibly lucky to have this wonderful place in Indiana! But for those of you who haven't had the pleasure, Hoosier or not, let me tell you a bit more!

With 472,900-square feet, more than 120,000 artifacts, and over 1 million visitors each year, it is the largest children’s museum in the world. Since it was established in 1925, it has expanded to be one of the most respected children's museums in the nation. With everything from dinosaurs, to Egyptian artifacts to the glass art of Dave Chihuly, the Children's Museum of Indianapolis has something for everyone! And don't let the name fool you! The kids will love every square inch (there are 4 floors!) but parents will enjoy it just as much! 

Here we are on the Sky Bridge going into the museum.
For our trip, we were lucky to not just have the "every day" attractions in the museum to enjoy but there were too extra special exhibits we knew Alex would flip for! The first? Superheroes! A Super POWered Spring Break! (March 16-May 5) That's right...an entire room filled with some of kids' favorite high flying, villain fighting superheroes. 

Plus...and this was the chance of a lifetime...Alex had a chance to meet Batman! Straight from Gotham City, the caped crusader was there for the perfect photo op!

Alex and Batman!!!

The second exhibit Alex couldn't wait to interact with was Live Geckos! (February 2- May 5) 

Learning about these lizards, where they live, what the eat, how they survive...he loved being able to interact with these little guys!

Seeing how many geckos he can find "hiding."

One of the greatest things about the Children's Museum is for the most part, kids are allowed to TOUCH everything! How many things do we expose kids to and then spend the entire time saying "don't touch that!"? Well, not here! There are things around every corner allowing children to explore, and learn through interaction!

Using special "pads" to crawl and jump like a gecko

Another exhibit that we had to practically drag Alex away from was Dinosphere~ where kids enter the world of dinosaurs. His favorite part? Donning some excavator gear and digging up bones! He even got a chance to discuss the best way to dig and the types of dinosaurs with a very friendly staff member!

Digging up bones

In deep discussion

We had such a fantastic day! Too much fun to even try to include it all here, but I hope I've given you an enticing taste and maybe some ideas for the future. There is always so much to do and look at, Alex is already planning our next trip down, and can't wait for the day to come! 

If you are planning a trip to Indianapolis, and you have kids, you have to be sure to include the Children's Museum in your trip! Rather you are from Indiana or even close by in Ohio, Illinois or Kentucky, it's definitely worth the drive! Your kids will have so much fun and you will be a superhero yourself! 

For more info, check them out online, on Facebook and Twitter

Disclaimer: I was given a free pass in exchange for this article. All thoughts and opinions are my own.


  1. This museum looks great. My grandkids would love it. I hear there is a marvelous one in Denver too. Thank you for sharing your Spring Break with family.

    We're having a party at Tumbleweed Contessa and would love to have you share it there too. http://www.tumbleweedcontessa.com/blog/whatd-you-do-this-weekend-10/

    Hope to see you there,

  2. I love in Ft. Wayne!! The museum is our to do list for this summer!!

  3. I live in Ft. Wayne!!! The museum is on out to do list for this summer


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