Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Okay, So Maybe It's A Small Problem

A couple days ago I told you about the recent oven issues at our house. In fact, I included that fact that this dilemma was "no problem" in the title of my last post. Well, guess what...when baked enchiladas are on the becomes a problem, and a big one, very quickly. 

Yep, that was me. Never thinking about the fact that I was supposed to be baking our supper, until it was too late. Almost. Thank goodness I'm a planner. In this case, I was trying to figure out how long said enchiladas would have to cook and what time I would need to put them in the oven in order to be done for Alex to eat before Taekwondo. That's when the light bulb went off. "Um, hello Remember...your oven doesn't heat. Going to be kinda hard isn't it?" 

So it was time to improvise, and quickly. The filling for the enchiladas could easily be used in a different dish, along with the soft tortillas. I was actually headed to the grocery store when this brainstorm happened, so I picked up a couple extra ingredients and started concocting this dish in my mind. By the time supper rolled around, I had a plan of action. Whew....crisis averted. 

Boy am I glad I can think on my feet. These were a huge hit with all of us! They are great because you can change them to fit everyone's tastes. Use my version as a starting platform. The flavor combinations are endless!  Now, as a note, the amounts of the ingredients I'm giving you would make 4 total, and we could only eat one each, so they are economical too! 

Having an oven that doesn't heat is indeed not "no problem at all". But at least it's giving me an opportunity to become crafty in creating new things to share with all of you.

12 six inch flour tortillas
8 corn tostada shells
1 (15 oz.) can refried beans
1 lb. ground beef
1/2 c. picante sauce
8 oz. sharp cheddar cheese
4 green onions, chopped
Sour cream, optional

In a large skillet, brown meat and drain if necessary. Add picante sauce and 1 c. cheese. Stir until well combined. Remove and set aside. Wipe out skillet. Place beans in a bowl and microwave two minutes to soften. Starting with a flour tortilla, spread with beans. Set tostada shell on. Sprinkle with cheese. Add about 2 TBS meat mixture. Sprinkle with more cheese. Spread another tostada shell with beans and add it bean side down. Sprinkle with cheese, add more meat and onions. Spread beans on another flour tortilla and place it bean side down. Repeat until you have 4 stacks. Spray skillet with non stick spray and carefully brown stacks on both sides for about 2 minutes per side. (Use a large flat spatula to move them to and from the skillet) Top with extra picante and sour cream if desired.

Shared on Mandy's Recipe Box Apr. 10, 2013
Shared on Lady Behind The Curtain Apr. 10, 2013
Shared on Miz Helen's Country Cottage Apr. 11, 2013
Shared on The Country Cook Apr. 12, 2013
Mexican at Very Good Recipes
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  1. I did that when the mircowave broke. I would get as far as putting something in the microwave before I remembered that it didn't work. It is almost like a routine that is hard to get around in your mind. Great thinking on your toes!!

  2. Great save on the Enchilada's, Krista. That's the good thing that comes from a new recipe that looks awesome! Thank you very much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and have a great week!
    Come Back Soon,
    Miz Helen


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