Monday, April 8, 2013

No Oven? No problem!

Yep, that's right. This food blogger had the unthinkable happen a couple weeks ago. I turned the oven to bake, set the temp for 350 and 15 minutes when I went back to pop in the baking tray of was still ice cold. After much inspection Mr. Everyday determined it was probably the igniter and would indeed need replaced. 

Well, not only did I not get to bake those scones, but I immediately started to think about the week's upcoming meals and just what I would need to adapt. Luckily I only had 2 things that were going to need the oven over the next few days, but of course one of those was that evening. Talk about no time to prepare! But I guess in adversity your brain starts to find ways to adjust and sometimes those brainstorms can lead to new possibilities, and in this case, delicious things!

So what started out as a new roasted potato recipe quickly became this incredible skillet potato dish. These would be absolutely perfect for breakfast, brunch or dinner! They go just as well with eggs as they do sandwiches. (In fact, I served them with BLTs!) They can easily be changed to fit your family's favorite flavors. Not to mention, they allowed me to use one of my new favorite kitchen gadgets, the mandolin

If someone from GE, Sears or Frigidaire happens to be reading this and would like to donate a hard working food blogger a new oven, she would forever be grateful and find you a very nice advertising space! HA HA HA But in the mean time, I'm going to keep cooking away, finding new ways to use other kitchen appliances. I wonder what I can do with the dishwasher???!!! Just kidding....

Skillet Cheesy Potatoes
3 large Russet potatoes, scrubbed and dried (figure 1 potato per person)
1 c. sharp cheddar cheese
1 small yellow onion, finely chopped
Salt and Pepper to taste
2 TBS vegetable oil
1 green onion, chopped

Heat oil to medium in a large nonstick skillet. Using a mandolin or very sharp knife slice potatoes about 1/4" thick. Add onion to oil and saute for 3 minutes until soft. Add potatoes, season with salt/pepper and saute, while stirring for 5-6 minutes. Cover and reduce heat to medium low. Cook 20-25 minutes until tender, stirring often. Sprinkle with cheese and replace lid. Turn heat off. Allow cheese to melt, about 5 minutes. Remove to platter and garnish with green onions. 

Shared on Make Ahead Meals Apr. 8, 2013
Shared on Mandy's Recipe Box Apr. 10, 2013
Shared on Lady Behind The Curtain Apr. 10, 2013
Shared on Miz Helen's Country Cottage Apr. 11, 2013
Shared on The Country Cook Apr. 12, 2013


  1. Sorry to hear about your oven. I know that it seems like you can go without things until they go and you can only think of things that you can cook with the broken appliance. Great work to be creative and not have to get take out!!! They look yummy!!

  2. I can so relate to the oven troubles. Most of the time my oven will heat up but every once in awhile it wont and then I have to play around with it to have it heat up. So eventually we're going to have to replace it. I'm trying to make it last awhile longer. :-)

    Great thinking by doing the potatoes in the skillet!! They look yummy! I'm pinning the recipe. Thanks!

    I'm visiting from I'm a new follower and glad I found you. Have a great week.

  3. Hi Krista,
    I just hate it when there are issues with equipment, but I sure love that Potato Dish. We will just love this recipe. Good Luck with the oven.
    Thank you very much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and have a great week!
    Come Back Soon,
    Miz Helen


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