Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas Casserole

Are you looking for something to make quickly on Christmas morning so you don't miss any of the fun around the tree? Well, you've come to the right place. I already shared my the Cinnamon Biscuits and Breakfast Pizza w/ you, and now I have a warm, sweet and satisfying casserole perfect for any morning, or like us, for an easy winter's night supper. Serve up some bacon on the side, and you have a full meal deal! (Especially quick if you buy the precooked bacon!!) We love breakfast foods for supper, so I am always trying to find ways to keep it fresh and new. But I can totally see where some of you would want to whip this up in between waking up and unwrapping everything under the tree. Now I'm the mom that is always the first one up on Christmas morning, so if you're like me, this would be perfect to throw together while everyone else is "coming to", and bake off while the wrapping paper is flying. Whenever you decide to make it, I hope you enjoy it as much as we did, and if it does end up on your Christmas plate, it makes me feel good to know I can share in your family's Christmas just a tiny bit!!

French Toast Casserole
1 loaf cinnamon raisin bread, crusts removed, cut into chunks
4 eggs
1 1/2 c. milk
4 TBS sugar, divided
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla
3 TBS baking raisins, optional
1 tsp cinnamon
1 TBS butter, diced

Preheat oven to 350. Spray a 9x13 pan w/ cooking spray. Place bread cubes in bottom of pan. In a large bowl, combine eggs, milk, 2 TBS sugar, salt and vanilla. Mix well. Sprinkle raisins over bread. Pour egg mixture evenly over top. Dot w/ butter. Let stand 10 minutes. Combine 2 TBS sugar and cinnamon. Sprinkle over top. Bake for 45-50 minutes until browned on top. Let stand 5 minutes before serving. Serve w/ warm maple syrup.
*NOTE* Have you seen the baking raisins at the store? I found mine on a display of holiday cooking items. They are plumper and juicier than regular raisins. Therefore, when baked, stay moist and don't dry out.

Shared on Gooseberry Patch Jan. 18, 2012

Breakfast at Very Good Recipes
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  1. I'm so glad you added the note about baking raisins. When I was reading the recipe I thought "What are baking raisins?" ... I haven't seen them yet but will start searching them out. I make my grandmother's oatmeal raisin cookies and I bet they would do really well in there.

    Love the recipe by the way... sounds so yummy!

  2. Yes! They are fantastic! Mine were "Sun-Maid" and after finding them the first time on the baking display, I did see them w/ the regular raisins also :)

  3. Yes I am a HUGE Casserole fan! No matter if it is Sweet or Savory!

    Thanks for sharing!


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