Sunday, September 23, 2018

Welcome Fall

Yep, it happened. Autumn arrived. Officially. Summer. Is. Over. Excuse me while I go cry into my pumpkin spice latte.

Seriously though, I've said it before, and I will again. I don't hate fall. Sure, the rain gets annoying, and the drop in temps are not something I enjoy, but there are still warm sunny days and fun to be had. But to me, I know what comes after fall, and that is something I it becomes like a gateway of sadness. 

Two of the things I actually enjoy about this time of year came together in today's recipe. My Crock Pot and Game Day! Sure, I use my slow cooker year round, but not near as much as I do starting now all the way through winter. And September brought with it our family's favorite sport to! We love it all. High School (Go Cadets!) College (Go Irish) and NFL (Go Steelers) Just don't mention those choices to my husband or oldest son because we are a house divided on a couple of them! 

When we want to sit around and watch the game, I almost always plan to have a Crock Pot meal that day. Heck, I also plan those types when we are out enjoying a fun fall activity too. What's better than coming home after visiting a pumpkin patch or picking apples and having the smell of something warm and yummy fill the house? Plus, if you love to tailgate, this would travel beautifully to the stadium parking lot too!

So with this dish, I went a little retro. Called up on my inner child. It wasn't that hard because the 2 year old LOVES beans and weenies! Why not make a big batch for all of us to scarf on while yelling at the refs? Oh, and if you're not a pigskin family like us, it happens to make a terrific weeknight meal too!

Crock Pot Beans & Weenies
4 (15 oz.) cans pork n beans, extra liquid on top drained
1 lb. hot dogs, sliced
2 TBS butter
1/2 c. ketchup
1/2 c. barbecue sauce
2 TBS yellow mustard
1 TBS dried minced onion
1/4 tsp. garlic powder
1/4 c. brown sugar
Salt and Pepper to taste 
Diced onion

In a medium skillet melt butter over medium high heat. Saute hot dogs in butter until browned on all sides, about 5-7 minutes. Add to Crock Pot. Add pork n beans. Stir well. In a medium bowl combine ketchup, barbecue sauce, mustard, brown sugar, and seasonings. Pour over hot dog mixture. Stir to combine. Cook on LOW 3-4 hours. Garnish with diced onion, if desired. 

Inspired by South Your Mouth

Shared at Weekend Potluck 
Shared at Meal Plan Monday


  1. This will probably sound funny to you, but this reminds me of my all time favorite tv dinner as a kid- beans and weenies. They don't make that choice anymore. But I loved those! Thanks so much for the recipe. Maybe my kids will also love this!

    1. I’m so glad! I used to live TV dinners as a kid. They were a treat! Lol

  2. I love this recipe also, but could you possibly use baked beans also? Just curious

    1. It depends what you consider baked beans. The cans of pork and beans are what many use as their baked bean base. If you mean a can of baked beans like Bush’s I would say no, but that’s my personal preference.


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