Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Cookie Sheets & Cabbage

A few weeks ago I read an article and it got me thinking. I can't remember where it was, and I literally read it in the 2 minutes of "free time" I had one afternoon, but basic gist of it was how an old, brown, beat up baking sheet should become the go-to gift at baby showers.

Um, what? I know that's what you're thinking because I was too. But the author's point was a baking sheet like that was reliable, still did the job, it was her "safe" one, and while it was ugly, it was still 100% okay. She went on to say how she has new, shiny, pretty ones, but things like that tend to make her nervous; and all of this was related to parenting.

Being a mommy (or daddy) is HARD. And some days it is ugly. It isn't shiny or new. But in the end, we get the job done. There is soooooo much pressure out there to be the perfect parent (Thanks, social media) and we need to know it's okay to not only realize it's hard, but there will be times when it isn't picture perfect and not only do we need to admit that, but also embrace it.

Well, the whole thing got me thinking and I decided I needed to start being more okay with the "ugly" in my life. My kids love me just as much on the days when the house is clean, I'm in nice clothes, my hair and make up are done, as on those that it looks like a tornado just went through the living room, my clothes are wrinkled and I was lucky to comb my hair let alone put make up on. They. Do. Not. Care.

So fast forward to when I made this recipe. Yep, as you can see in the pic, there is my old, brown, worn out baking sheet. If I'm keeping it real, I will admit the photo wasn't supposed to be taken on it. I tried to transfer those beautiful cabbage steaks to a spotless white plate, but they started to fall apart.

Now as a food blogger, of course I always want appetizing photos. Pretty ones that will catch the reader's eye. The "perfect" shot if you will. So, there I was panicking a little, getting overwhelmed, and almost ready to scrap the whole thing. Then I remembered that article. It doesn't have to perfect. It will be okay. I took out the camera, and I think captured just how yummy the food can be, no matter what the background looks like.

 I am a perfectionist, so it is a daily battle for me to accept things that aren't. I live with 3 boys. I have a husband who likes to "collect" things, I have a teenager and a toddler. My life is going to be messy. There are days when I am going to be in comfy clothes, messy hair and no make up...and then realize I have to run to the store. You know what, it will be okay.

Oh, and by the way, if you love cabbage as much as we do, this is about the easiest side dish you will ever make, and it's absolutely delicious, regardless if you cook them on a pretty baking sheet, or one with character like mine!

Roasted Cabbage Steaks
1 large head cabbage, outer leaves removed
1/4 c. vegetable oil
Salt and Pepper, to taste*

Preheat oven to 400. Coat a large baking sheet with nonstick spray. Slice cabbage into 1/2 inch circles. Brush oil on both sides. Season with salt and pepper. Roast in oven for 30-40 minutes until tender, and brown around edges. *NOTE* We like lots of black pepper with cabbage, so I use lots!

Shared at Weekend Potluck
Shared at Meal Plan Monday

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