Monday, April 16, 2018

Yes, I Know It's Fake

Have you noticed more and more people are becoming very brave online? And by that I mean they know they can sit behind their keyboards and spew out opinions and hide from the person they are saying it to. Yep, cyber bullying is a term that has invaded our culture and our homes. 

Well, me and my friends, aka food bloggers, know all too well how these comments flow freely and without much remorse from many. From the use of Minute Rice, to cake mixes, to condensed soups (the list could really go on and on) folks have opinions on all of them and they basically want to tar and feather any of us who use them. 

Now I will be honest, I haven't had near as many of the nasty comments on these said foods as many other bloggers. I don't know if it's because EMM fans are more polite, or like me, my followers are all for taking a short cut here and there to make sure dinner is tasty and still on budget. 

Today's recipe includes one of those "evil" foods a lot of people love to hate on. Imitation Crab. Oh my. Yes I said it. And before we go any further, yes I know it's fake. I know it doesn't have an ounce of real crab in it. And yes, I think it tastes good and I'm okay with it! If it isn't your thing, please move on, or heck spend the big $$$ on the real if you want. Whatever floats your boat. For us, the fake stuff works just fine, and leaves my wallet a little fatter. 

This is going to become a huge hit this summer to every party, cookout, picnic, and backyard barbecue you take it to. Everyone is going to want the recipe (sorry if when you tell them you get the crab hate too) and ask you to bring it again!

I actually served this as a main dish with some crusty bread and fresh cantaloupe on the side; and I know that is how we will enjoy many times this summer, on those hot nights when it's too hot to eat but you're starving! 

I love what I do, and I know there are downsides to every job. But maybe, if we all just take a step back and remember there is someone on the other side of the screen, and make sure we aren't typing anything we wouldn't say to some one's face this whole online world can be just a little bit happier.

Crab Pasta Salad
1 lb. salad shells
1 lb. imitation crab
2 large celery ribs, diced
1 red bell pepper, diced
1 yellow bell pepper, diced
1 (3 oz.) can sliced black olives, drained
1 1/2 cups plain yogurt
1/4 cup mayo
1/4 cup zesty Italian salad dressing
1 TBS Chesapeake seasoning
1 tsp. celery seed
1 TBS mustard
1/2 TBS soy sauce
Salt and Pepper to taste
Dried Chives for garnish

Cook pasta according to package directions. Meanwhile, place crab in a large bowl. Using two forks, tear it apart to separate it. Add celery, peppers and olives. In a medium bowl combine yogurt, mayo, salad dressing, Chesapeake seasoning, celery seed, mustard, soy sauce, salt and pepper. Stir well. When pasta is cooked, rinse with cold water and drain well. Add to bowl. Pour dressing over. Mix gently to combine. Chill for a couple hours. Garnish with dried chives. 

Shared at Weekend Potluck

Inspired by Wine and Glue


  1. No negativity here! I love your blog and thank you so much for sharing your delicious recipes! I always buy imitation crabmeat, mainly because I don't want to take out a second mortgage on my home just for one meal. I like it! And I have actually used Minute Rice and imitation crabmeat in the same meal! What a rebel! I have a lot of things I want to do each day, but lecturing others about what they choose to eat or how they prepare it is not one of them! I just appreciate all the sharing! If I don't like a recipe or the way it's made, I just don't make it. I would never criticize or make a nasty comment about it.
    Thanks for sharing this recipe, though, because I am going to try it this week! Can't wait! It sounds delicious!

    1. Hi!! Thank you So much for your kind words and support! I appreciate them more than you will ever know!


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