Thursday, April 5, 2018

Upping Your Frozen Food Game

I am so blessed to have so many connections because of what I do here. One of my favorite communities I've been working with lately is MyMagazine Sharing Network through the Kroger family of stores. 

I receive free samples or coupons for free items and get to try them and let the powers that be know what I think of them. Plus, share my thoughts on social media too! 

My latest campaign came at a perfect time. They sent me coupons for various items from the frozen food section of my local Kroger store, and asked I try to elevate one or more of them to something new. 

Mission accomplished! I knew exactly which one I was going to play around with first too. The oldest was home for Spring Break and it was time to come up with a fun, tasty lunch for him using Farm Rich Mozzarella Cheese Sticks.

I looked in the pantry to see what I had on hand, and about 30 minutes later I had a dish he loved and I knew would be a big hit with your kids too! Rather it be lunch, after school snack or a kids' party these will be the star! I can just see a bunch of littles around the pool, soaking up the sun, scarfing these down!

Oh, and if you wonder why there is no sauce on this pizza? I was afraid it would make it too wet, but some on the side to dip might be good. I just didn't have any on hand! 

If you want to learn more about MyMagazine Sharing Network, click here & maybe you can start to receive yummy free samples too!

Cheese Stick Pizza 
15 frozen mozzarella sticks*
Sliced Pepperoni
3/4 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
Sliced Black Olives
Canned Mushrooms
Dried Oregano

Cook cheese sticks according to package directions. When finished, allow to cool for just a couple minutes. Reduce oven temp to 350. Transfer to a 9 inch pie plate. Top with cheese, pepperoni, olives and mushrooms.  Bake for 5-7 minutes until cheese is melted. Sprinkle with oregano. *NOTES* 15 cheese sticks fit in my pie plate perfectly, be sure to check yours. Some marinara on the side for dipping would be fun too, I just didn't have any on hand. 

Disclaimer: I received a free sample I used in this recipe. The blog post and recipe were all my ideas.

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