Monday, November 16, 2015

Leftover Turkey....Hold The Leftover

Nine days people. That's all. Til what? If you're asking that, you might want to look at your calendar...right now! Because we've only got a little over a week before the big Thanksgiving feast we have been looking forward to all year!

While most of you are probably still meal planning, and trying to figure out just what you will be serving when the big day rolls around, it's my job to look past the big meal. To ponder "what about the days after?" In other words, it's my job to help you figure out what you're going to do with all those leftovers!

I don't mind this job. In fact, I take it as a challenge. Here is the one and only problem. I'm testing these leftover recipes in October, and well, let's just say I don't have a 10 pound turkey hanging out in my fridge! So...I have to get creative.

I thought these sandwiches would be a terrific leftover idea because not only do they use up some of that delicious turkey, but if you have that veggie tray still laying around, you can put it to good use too. Obviously, I made mine with some sliced deli turkey, and they were perfectly tasty, but I really think they would be outstanding with some post holiday bird as well!

Sandwiches and the "day after Thanksgiving" seem to go together as much as Thanksgiving and turkey! But this year, switch up the routine beyond the mayo and white bread, using even more leftovers so when that dreaded Monday rolls around, the fridge is empty, ready and waiting for holiday baking!

Turkey & Veggie Bagels
Everything Bagels, toasted
Sliced Turkey, deli or leftover
Thinly Sliced Radishes
Thinly Sliced Cucumber
Boston Lettuce
Green Onion and Chive Cream Cheese

Spread cream cheese on warm bagels. Top with meat & veggies, starting with lettuce to form "barrier". If you're serving a crowd, lay out meat and veggies and let your guests built their own!

Shared at Weekend Potluck

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