Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Holiday Nibbly Bits

Appetizers. Who else out there could make an entire meal out of them? Yeah, me too! At parties, I'm usually the one that gets so full on all the pre-meal snacks I'm not even hungry by the time the main dish arrives. In fact, our whole family is that way. Many of you long time readers remember our annual New Year's Eve tradition of a huge appetizer buffet we eat off of all night long.

So, with the holiday entertaining season almost upon us, it is time to start thinking of some new "nibbly bits" (that is what Alex has always called appetizers) to enjoy from Thanksgiving until the ball drops at midnight on Jan. 1st. Sure, we all have our favorites, our go-tos, but I'm always looking for new ideas, or ways to make ones I already rely on even easier.

The latter is the inspiration behind these. I love a good cheese ball. What's not to love? Cheese. Nuts. The end. And one of my all time favorite ones has green olives on the inside. But what happens when time simply gets away from you and the forming of the ball, and covering in nuts, and allowing it to set...just isn't in the cards? You take all the same flavors and do this instead!

These little cracker bites taste just like they are supposed to but can literally be done in about 10 minutes, especially if you utilize your food processor like I do.

The holidays were meant for gathering around those we love most in the world, and enjoying some terrific food. Starting next week with Turkey Day, there will be so much of that, and I for one am incredibly thankful.

Olive Cheese Ball Bites
1 (10 oz.) jar green olives, drained
1 (8 oz.) cream cheese, room temperature
2 TBS dried chives
1 TBS dried parsley
Pecan Halves

In a food processor, pulse olives until finely chopped. Add cream cheese pulse until combined. Scrape sides. Remove to bowl. Add chives and parsley. Stir well. Scoop onto crackers. Top each with pecan halve. Chill until ready to serve.

Shared at Weekend Potluck


  1. That is so me as well. I LOVE appetizers! Who cares about real food when there's all sorts of fun things to dip and snack on?

  2. They look wonderful and what a great little appetizer.
    I would have to leave off the pecan tho and replace with a sliced olive as no one in my family would eat them with the nut on top


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