Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Childhood Lunchbox Treat

When I was a kid, I preferred a packed school lunch to a cafeteria one. I wasn't a picky eater, and some days I would eat what they were serving, I simply enjoyed things my mom would send for me more. And one of the things she would treat me with, which to this day I still love, were Twinkies.

The spongy cake, the sweet creamy center. Oh, I can taste them now. Yes, we were those people when they stopped making them last year. A phone call of desperation went out to my husband, he stopped at the store, and when he came home that night he had 7 boxes in tow to last us until the crisis was over.

I love these snack cakes so much my brother even got me a Twinkie baking set for Christmas so I can make my own any time I want! So, I might be a little judging!

So when I came across this cake I knew it would be one we would gobble up! Sure, the base is made with a pre-made cake, but don't let that fool you into thinking it's not pretty enough for guests. In fact, if you are looking for something for Easter dessert, I think this would be perfect. It's rich, so it can really stretch to feed a crowd because every one will only want a small piece! But on a holiday when the sweet tooth is taking over, it will certainly satisfy!

Who knew a lunchbox treat from my child hood could be transformed into a decadent dessert my whole family would love. And since there is fruit on the top, that means I can feel less guilty about eating a whole box, right??!!

Blueberries n Cream Cake  Inspired by Mr. Food
1 box Twinkies (see note below), sliced lengthwise
1 (21 oz.) can blueberry pie filling
8 oz. cream cheese, softened
2 cups powdered sugar, sifted
2 (8 oz.) containers Cool Whip
1/4 c. almonds, finely diced

In the bottom of a 9x11 baking dish, place enough sliced Twinkies to cover and fit. Cut to fill entire bottom if necessary. Combine cream cheese and powdered sugar in a large bowl. Beat with an electric mixer, on low speed, until creamy. Fold in 1 container Cool Whip. Spread over Twinkies. Pour pie filling over cream cheese layer. Spread evenly. Sprinkle with almond chips. Chill 2 hours. When serving, garnish with extra Cool Whip and more almond chips. *NOTE* You will more than likely not use the entire box of Twinkies, so slice as you go. I used 6 total.

Shared on The Country Cook April 11, 2014

1 comment:

  1. Oh what a fabulous & easy recipe. Sounds wondermous! Thanks so much for sharing with us at Weekend Potluck!


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