Tuesday, February 12, 2013

It's Not a Soup, It's a Stew

I guess I feel the need to defend myself. I know I've been bombarding you with so many slow cooker soup recipes lately, I'm almost starting to feel guilty when I find another I want to try. But then I remember it's freezing outside for many of you too, and hope that you have been enjoying this little trend as much as I have. But this time...technically....it's not a soup. Okay, I realize I'm talking semantics here, but just bare with me because this dish is absolutely worth it!

They always say if you don't enjoy the weather in Indiana, wait about 5 minutes because it will change. The last week of January demonstrated this perfectly. That Tuesday we hit a record high of 64, and yes I was wearing flip flops. That night into Wednesday we had severe storms, with tornadoes breaking out across the southern part of the state. By Wednesday night the winds were still there, and the temp had dropped into the 20's. And on Thursday and Friday we never made it out of the teens with subzero wind chills. It was COLD. No...it was FREEZING! And yes, it would be miserable anytime, but after that extreme warm up, it was even more of a jolt to the system. That Friday also happened to be a school holiday for us, so I was very thankful we didn't have to venture out into it; but my boys were still doing to Taekwondo that evening, so I wanted something to warm them up when they got home.

What better way to warm them from the inside out than a big bowl of stew! With hearty chunks of meat, veggies and a rich thick broth, this is definitely a stew that eats like a meal. Plus, since it basically cooked itself all day I was able to do fun things with my little man while he was home with me.

This new Crock Pot and I have become the best of friends. I love finding new things to cook in, and no better time of year than now to get "stuck" in the soup section of my cookbooks. But wait, remember...it's not a soup...it's a stew!

Crock Pot Irish Stew 
2 lb. chuck roast, cubed
2 large potatoes, peeled and diced
2 c. diced carrots
1 envelope onion soup mix
2 (10 3/4 oz) cans tomato soup
1 soup can water
16 oz. frozen peas
Salt and Pepper to taste
Parsley, for garnish

Combine beef, potatoes, carrots, soup mix, tomato soup, can of water, salt and pepper in Crock Pot. Cook on LOW 8 hours. Add frozen peas and 1/4 c. water. Cook on LOW 1 additional hour. Garnish with parsley.

Shared on Lady Behind The Curtain Feb. 13, 2013
Shared on Miz Helen's Country Cottage Feb. 14, 2013
Shared on The Country Cook Feb. 15, 2013



  1. This is one of my favorite recipes! I substitute brown gravy for the tomato soup since I'm allergic but it still tastes delicious. Definitely a warm, hearty meal.

  2. This is one of my favorite recipes! I substitute brown gravy for the tomato soup since I'm allergic but it still tastes delicious. Definitely a warm, hearty meal on a cold day

  3. Found you through mommy pages. Drop by my blog I am having a food party. I'm into simple healthy meals too. Love to have you share a few recipes.

  4. It is really cold here today and your stew would be awesome! Hope you are having a great Valentine weekend and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  5. I love this recipe. It is going in the crock pot right now


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