Wednesday, February 13, 2013

I Finally Did It...Just In Time

For a very long time now I have been wanting to try making my own buttercream frosting. See, I have this tiny obsession with good frosting. Cookies and cakes are great, but for me, they are simply a vessel to carry the frosting into my mouth. Yep, I was the kid that would eat the piece of birthday cake and inevitably leave behind cake after all the yummy frosting was gone.

However, I am kind of a frosting snob. I don't like whipped frosting at all. And for me to enjoy a buttercream, it has to be smooth. Those grainy ones you sometimes find on things from the supermarket bakery, well that just makes me mad. It looks great, but the minute I take a bite my sweet tooth is totally disappointed. The canned varieties are okay, and some flavors are even close, but there just isn't anything like the made from scratch, tastes like grandma's, kind.

After reading the recipe that has been collecting dust in the back of my recipe box for years now about 100 times over, I finally convinced myself I could do it. Plus, I had extra motivation. Our local Kroger market has these sugar sandwich cookies that are filled with some of the yummiest frosting I've ever had; and I'm a little addicted to them. I seriously can NOT step into that store without walking out with one. But I'm not there a lot...maybe once every couple I needed to be able to sustain in between those visits. (I told you...I'm addicted)

This frosting is so super simple, I honestly felt like saying to myself "Really? That's it?" I can't believe I always thought it would be too involved. Especially now that I have my stand mixer. It literally did all the work for me.

Now this recipe will make enough to frost a 2 layer (8 inches each) cake, about a dozen cupcakes, or about 12-14 of these sandwich cookies. Since I was making the frosting from scratch, I took some help from the store with some cute Valentine's sugar cookies, but feel free to bake your own!

Be warned though. This stuff is dangerous. You will find yourself eating it straight from the bowl with a spoon, it's that delicious! Don't worry though, my lips are sealed....sealed with frosting!

Buttercream Frosting
1/3 c. softened butter
1 lb. powdered sugar
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla extract
3-4 TBS milk

Using an electric or stand mixer, cream butter, salt and vanilla together until light and fluffy. Add powdered sugar a little at time, mixing between each. (Don't worry, it's going to appear very thick) Add milk and mix until creamy, and spreadable.

To make cookies, spread frosting onto bottom cookie. Top with another. Gently push down so frosting comes out sides. Using a butter knife, remove excess and smooth. Roll in sprinkles.

Shared on Lady Behind The Curtain Feb. 13, 2013
Shared on Miz Helne's Country Cottage Feb. 14, 2013
Shared on The Country Cook Feb. 15, 2013
Dessert at Very Good Recipes
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  1. Hi,

    Your food looks delish!! It makes me hungry just looking at it.

    We just found your blog and would like to invite you to link up at our link party that goes live tonight.

    The Busy Bee's,
    Myrna and Joye.

  2. Hi Krista,
    This is a great frosting and your cookies look so pretty. Hope you are having a great Valentine weekend and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen


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