Friday, November 2, 2012

Turkey Day Game Day

Yesterday we began the official countdown to Thanksgiving. (In case you didn't stop by, and/or haven't realized, it's less than 3 weeks away!) For millions of Americans, Thanksgiving is the time we gather with our loved ones around a big table filled with turkey, dressing, cranberry sauce, and all the fixins' that go with them. We eat until we can literally eat no more while counting our blessings and making happy memories. But for many of us, my family included, Turkey Day is also Game Day! That's right...Thanksgiving Day Football! As soon as the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade (another tradition in our home)  is over, our television goes directly to pregame and it doesn't leave until the last game is over! So on top of the traditional Thanksgiving foods, we also take the opportunity to have plenty of snacks for eating in front of all those passes, blocks and touchdowns! And if this describes your family too, what is better game time food than Chips and Salsa? Alongside my Restaurant Style Salsa that we love so much, I decided some baked lime tortilla chips would be perfect for nibbling! These are super simple, and fun for even the kids to help make! My boys love the lime flavor, but if you don't, simply omit it. So if you not only need to bring home the 20 lb. turkey, and all the trimmings, but some great football food too, include this in your holiday menu too!

Baked Lime Tortilla Chips
4 large flour tortillas
1 TBS vegetable oil
3 TBS lime juice
Sea Salt

Preheat oven to 350. Cut tortillas into small triangles. (This is a great step for the kiddies. Have them use a pizza cutter!) Place on baking sheets. In a small bowl combine oil and lime juice. Brush tortillas with oil mixture. Sprinkle with salt. Bake for 5 minutes. Rotate pans. Bake for an additional 5-7 minutes until crisp and slightly browned. Serve with salsa and extra limes, if desired. For my salsa recipe, click the link above.

Shared on The Country Cook Nov. 2, 2012
Shared on Maked Ahead Meals Nov. 5, 2012
Mexican at Very Good Recipes
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1 comment:

  1. Fantastic idea! My hubby will be so happy when I make these! Appreciate the simplicity of this recipe too. Thanks for linking up at Weekend Potluck.


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