Saturday, September 15, 2012

Weekend Company {Guest Blogger Tricia}

Good Morning and welcome to another Saturday! This is a very special weekend in our house, for it's Monkey's birthday weekend. That's right, my baby, and now little man, turns 8 tomorrow! We'll be celebrating all weekend long with his Avengers party today and Chuck E Cheese for the 3 of us tomorrow. I'm so happy my loving cousin is joining us today in the kitchen sharing something in honor of this special birthday! I love you Tricia, and am so blessed to have you in my life! Please welcome her back to EMM~

I want to thank Krista for inviting me to guest blog on the eve of a very special day! I can't believe that it was 8 years ago that her little monkey made his entrance into the world. Unfortunately we don't get to see him as often as we'd like but it has been a blessing to watch him grow and change from an infant to a toddler to a little boy. He is on his way to becoming a young man and what an amazing young man he is! We are so proud of him and especially blessed to be able to call him our cousin.

When Krista asked me if I would be interested in being her guest today I knew right away I wanted to make Monkey Muffins in honor of her Monkey. 

I grew up eating Monkey Bread and absolutely love it. If you are not familiar with Monkey Bread, it is little balls of dough rolled in cinnamon sugar placed in a bundt pan, topped with a caramel sauce. The finished product is sweet, ooey, gooey deliciousness!  The Monkey Bread I grew up with was made with homemade bread dough or frozen bread dough. I much prefer it with either of those, however, I've grown to enjoy this simplified version. 

Traditionally, Monkey Bread is made in a bundt pan. This version, made in muffin pans makes for a quick breakfast. I also love the individual portions because it helps with portion control which is always a problem when it comes to Monkey Bread.

Again, traditionally, I've had cinnamon Monkey Bread. However, there are many versions: cheese herb, garlic &cheese, pumpkin, etc. I have been really into Fall o I decided to go with an Apple Monkey Muffin. I added a cream cheese glaze and decided after that I am definitely doing a Pumpkin version with pumpkin pie spice and a cream cheese glaze. Yum! 

Apple Monkey Muffins

1 tsp apple pie spice
1/4 cup white sugar
1 12 oz. can refrigerated biscuits
1/2 cup brown sugar
3 Tbsp butter
1 tsp water
1/2 tsp vanilla
1 apple (such as Golden Delicious or Granny Smith)

Preheat oven to 350. Spray 6 cup muffin tin. Separate dough and cut each biscuit into 6 pieces. Roll pieces into balls. In a small bowl combine apple pie spice and white sugar. Roll dough ball in sugar mixture then place in pan. Approximately 6 pieces in each muffin cup. 

Combine brown sugar, butter, water and vanilla in a small saucepan. Over medium heat, bring sugar mixture to a boil stirring continually until sugar is dissolved, about 2-3 minutes. Spoon mixture evenly over biscuit pieces .

Bake until golden brown and tops spring back when touched; approximately 8-12 minutes. Remove from oven and let cool in pan for 2 minutes. Don't let cool in pan longer than 5 minutes or you won't be able to get them out of the pan! 

Cream Cheese Glaze

3 oz cream cheese, softened
3 Tbsp powdered sugar
2 Tbsp milk
1/4 tsp vanilla

Beat sugar and cream cheese and sugar then add milk and vanilla.  Drizzle over warm muffins. 

Happy Birthday, Alex!!!!! We love you bunches and bunches!!

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  1. Cream cheese glaze makes everything better!
    I'm on my 3rd try. Please take off this word verification--it's hurting your blog.

  2. Unfortunately due to spammers and rude comments I was getting, the word verification needed to be added. I am happy to try it w/o as a test, but if the same occurs, it will be turned back on. I've noticed most blogs I follow now have it too.


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