Sunday, September 16, 2012

Church Supper #56

Good Morning and welcome to another Sunday! I hope this finds you enjoying your weekend and ready to share in some good fellowship and great food!

Today is a VERY special day in our house. Happy 8th Birthday to my Monkey!! It's so hard to believe it's been eight years since he came into our lives, and each minute has been such an honor to share with him. We are so proud of the person he is becoming, and could not love him more if we tried. No matter how big he gets, he will always be my baby and the most precious gift God has ever given me. So while today is all about him, I have to take a minute, drop to my knees and thank Him for giving me the best little boy to make me what I was always meant to be...his Mommy.

 Thanks for stopping by today. I hope you find something yummy to take with you.
Please link up your favorite recipes from the week. And remember I wish you God's blessings all week long!
 " Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!" (Philippians 4:4)

 Last Week's Most Viewed Recipe:

Congrats! Please feel free to grab my "Featured On" button!

Now, let's eat!


1. Feel free to link up as many recipes, but recipes ONLY please, as you like!

2. Link up to your ACTUAL recipe, not just your homepage. Much easier to find you that way!

3. Include a link back to EMM on your recipe post or grab my button!

4. Leave comments so I can visit you back!

5. Visit at least 2 other sites and tell them you joined them at my Church Supper!

6. Follow my blog here w/ GFC and on Facebook :)


  1. Happy Happy Birthday to your monkey! I am SURE the weekend has been fabulous! Thanks for hosting Krista :-)

  2. What a cutie pa-tooty you have there! Happy Birthday to your son and thanks for hosting! Today I'm sharing my Spice Apple Cupcakes and my Caramel Apple Pie Popcorn. Have a GREAT week! ~Sheryl @ Lady Behind The Curtain~

  3. Wonderful blog! Thanks for hosting. :)

  4. I'm happy to be partying here today. I just found you and will add you! Can't wait to meet new friends.

  5. Happy Birthday to your sweet Monkey! Hope you both have a blessed day!!

  6. Thanks for hosting Krista. Happy Birthday to your little Monkey! :)

  7. What a nice post. Thanks for sharing your son's BD! We linked up a tasty dump cake today. Happy Birthday and Happy Sunday.

  8. Thanks for hosting Krista! Have a great day celebrating you son's birthday!

  9. Happy Birthday to Monkey! Thanks so much for hosting!!

  10. Krista--I'm sorry for linking up my Witchy Pillow. I didn't realize it was a food only linky. Please forgive me.
    I'll do better next week!

  11. No problem! It's super cute! And yes, please do come back next week as share as many recipes as you like!


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