Thursday, July 19, 2012

Virtual Summer Barbecue With PCC

PCC you ask? Why I'm talking about Philadelphia Cooking Cream! Ya'll know how much I love these cooking creams, and if you recall, I've used different varieties in a number of recipes. So you can imagine my excitement when my dear foodie friend Brandie aka The Country Cook asked me to team up with her, Kraft and some other terrific bloggers for a Virtual Summer Barbecue using Philadelphia Cooking Cream!

To me summer time has it's very own menu of foods that can taste good year round, but taste OH SO MUCH better in the warmth of the summer sun. From grilled classics, to cool desserts to cool you down, we wait all year to enjoy some of our favorites during the summer months. And for our family one of these foods is the classic BLT sandwich. Why? Well, first off, we love bacon. That would be reason enough alone. But also because they are simple and quick for a busy summer night (don't we all get busier in the summer time?) and they are also fairly light, yet still satisfying, on those extremely hot nights when you do not want to cook! Plus, what tastes better than a BLT with fresh tomatoes and lettuce picked straight from your summer garden?

But we're having a barbecue folks, and I needed to take our favorite summer sandwich and make it party/backyard barbecue friendly. Well, first off, they need to be some what bite sized because when I'm entertaining outside, I love for my guests to be able to eat with their fingers! Plus, while the BLT is an All-American Classic, that doesn't mean I can't jazz it up a little for a party and give it a fun twist and new look using Philadelphia Cooking Cream!

For us, the perfect BLT consists of a few essential ingredients~ bacon, lettuce, tomato, (of course), mayo, and crispy toasted bread. Taking these as a starting point, I've come up with something super fun and easy for your next backyard barbecue!  I left the bacon and tomato alone, but instead of mayo, that's where the Cooking Cream came in! And instead of leaf lettuce, how about serving the creamy mixture in an endive cup? And finally, so I still get the crunch of some toast, a little sprinkling of toasted crouton on top! Super cute, right??!!

A big platter of these would be a huge hit next to all those other summer favorites! And your guests will love how unique and fun they are!

Now here is the BEST part of this Virtual Barbecue. You have a chance to vote for your Everyday Mom! Alongside some other amazing bloggers, I am trying to win this recipe contest for a cash prize and year's supply of Philadelphia Cooking Cream!! To vote, *Please leave a comment on this post*. Each comment counts as one vote and the blog with the most comments wins!! And I really want to!! Voting only lasts 24 hours, so don't wait! Thanks so much!!! (VOTING IS CLOSED)

Creamy BLT Cups Makes Approx 20 cups
1 tub Philadelphia Cooking Cream- Savory Garlic
1 pint grape tomatoes, halved
1 (2.1oz / 15 slices) package pre-cooked bacon
2 heads Belgian endive
1 c. croutons, crushed
Salt and Pepper to taste

Cut ends off each head of endive and separate leaves. Trim any tough ends. Wipe gently with damp paper towel to remove excess dirt. Lay on kitchen towel to air dry. In a medium skillet, cook bacon in batches until crisp. Drain on paper towels and chop. In a large bowl combine tomatoes, chopped bacon, cooking cream, salt and pepper. Mix well. Spoon about 2 TBS of tomato mixture into each endive leave. (Some leaves will be smaller, so adjust amount) Sprinkle each "cup" with crushed croutons. Chill until serving, at least 1 hour.

Shared on The Country Cook July 21, 2012
Shared on Make Ahead Meals July 22, 2012 
Shared on Bobbi's Kozy Kitchen July 23, 2012

Please visit these other blogs who are barbecuing with me, and see what yummy things they are cooking up:

Disclaimer: I received free Philadelphia Cooking Cream to participate. This is not a paid post. All thoughts and opinions are mine.

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  1. Oh what a great idea!! Who doesn't love a BLT? And this presentation is absolutely too cute!!!

  2. Looks yummy, thank you for sharing the recipe <3

  3. Looks delicious, and easy too! Can't wait to try it!

  4. This sounds and looks amazing!!!

  5. Ooh! Yummo! Gonna try making these tonite!

  6. Sis,

    The Belgium Endive looks like a great vessel for what promises to be a very tasty appetizer! Great job!

  7. Love this and love your blog!!

  8. That is such a yummy looking treat, Krista!

  9. What a great idea! Sounds amazing!

  10. This has my vote!

  11. Made a version of this tonight!

  12. Came over here from the Country Cook page. This recipe is so unique and I've never seen anything like it before. Voting it as my favorite.

  13. These look amazing!

  14. This is a great recipe right now when all these things are in season - tomatoes and endive. I hope this comment counts as a vote for you. best wishes

  15. well, now i have some ideas of what to do with my tomatoes. AND i just so happen to have a coupon for the cooking cream. Great recipe.
    Jennifer Martin

  16. These look great and I cannot wait to try them!

  17. I love Philly Cream Cheese & can't wait to try this recipe!

  18. love, love, love this one. I've never eaten endive. Is it like lettuce? I really want to try this.

  19. Just saw this over at Brandi's page. Hope I'm not too late to vote for this one.


  20. Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!!!! You have my vote!!!!

  21. Looks super yummy! Like ALL of your stuff! Keep up the good work, honey!

  22. Thank you everyone for your votes, and even more your kind words. While I didn't win the contest, a fellow blogger from my team did, so that is awesome. I'm so proud of this recipe and honored to have worked w/ Kraft and these amazing foodies.

    @Rachel, yes endive is a time of lettuce. It's buttery and wonderful!

  23. What a wonderful idea Krista!! I pinned these for later :) thanks so much for sharing them on Manic Monday


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