Friday, July 20, 2012

For Your Next Project

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Astrobrights Papers by Neenah Paper for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

It's hard to believe, but in about a month, my son will be headed back to school. Where does the summer go? So as the super oraganized mom I tend to be, I am already looking ahead to all of those school projects that are just around the corner. And now I have something new and fun to add to my shopping list: AstroBrights papers

AstroBrights papers come in 23 brillant, bright colors that will get your projects noticed! They are perfect for around the home, school or even office.  Separate yours from other projects by using AstroBrights papers for your next  brochure, invitation, flyer, announcement or craft project. They provide a bold color canvas because they  believe ideas are important, thoughts aren't shy and you shouldn't be afraid to stand out from the crowd

And right now you can help support your local elementary school by entering their "Give a Brighter Year" sweepstakes, where you can win a cash prize and $30,000 worth of school supplies for the school of your choice.

They want  you to participate in the family-friendly "Make Something Astrobright" design challenges and unleash your creativity for a chance to win AstroBrights Paper and other prizes! Share your projects with pictures and video! And if you share anything via Pinterest or Twitter please use the hashtag #goastrobrights

Here are just a few ideas of what you could use AstroBrights for:

PTA meeting flyers
After school chore chart
Summer book reports – with flair!
Scrapbooking about summer vacation (my personal fave!)

So let your imagination run wild and be extra bright on your next project, rather it be at home, school or just for fun with AstroBrights papers.

Visit Sponsor's Site

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