Thursday, March 15, 2012

A Dippy Family

When I was growing up there were certain names we had for things that I thought only our family used. One of these being "dippy eggs". I could never remember the term "over easy" and every time we were at a restaurant and the waitress would want to know how I wanted my eggs, I would look at my dad and wait for him to answer her b/c he knew how to translate "I want dippy eggs." I'm not sure why I thought our family coined this nickname. I guess I just never paid attention to others saying it. Or maybe like me, other kids were using it at home and then waiting for grown ups to use the correct version out in public. Years later when I began waiting tables I learned that not only were tons of other families "dippy people" I had the chance to be the cool waitress when little kids would give their parents the same look I used to give mine upon ordering eggs. I would look at the child and say "You want them dippy, don't you?" Then he/she would look up at me as if to say "You're a mind reader." I scored a lot of points w/ kids that way; and parents usually reflected that in my tip! Plus later in life I also learned that Adam's family also referred to them as dippy eggs (This came up early on in dating, and it was just yet another reason I knew we were meant to be), so of course having it on both sides of the family Alex is destined to be a "dippy" child. And like his parents, he only enjoys them if he has toast to sop up the runny goodness with! Most of the time the toast sits on the side waiting to be used. Sometimes I'll put my eggs right on top of the toast. This is a great, fun way to do both at the same time! Kids will love it and adults will feel like kids again. So, are you a "dippy" family or just plain over easy?

Eggs in Nests
2 eggs
2 slices bread
1 TBS butter
Salt and Pepper to taste

Crack eggs into separate bowls or glasses. Melt butter in large skillet over medium heat. Use a cookie cutter to remove middle from each bread slice. (I actually use a small juice glass to obtain a perfect circle). Lay bread in skillet and let fry until brown on 1 side, about 1-2 minutes. Flip bread over and pour eggs into center of each. Season w/ salt and pepper. Reduce heat to low and cover. Cook until eggs are set about 3-4 minutes.

Shared on Miz Helen's Country Cottage Mar. 15, 2012
Shared on It's a Keeper Mar. 15, 2012
Shared on The Country Cook Mar. 16, 2012 
Shared on Around My Family Table Mar. 16, 2012 
Shared on Make Ahead Meals Mar. 19, 2012
Breakfast at Very Good Recipes
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  1. I very definitely come from a "dippy" family! That's the way we all eat them and that's what we called them, too. :)

    I love this recipe! This was one of my now 19 year old son's favorite things for years. He called them "poppy eggs" because his Poppy (my dad) was the first person to make them for him.

  2. I grew up "Over-Easy" near Boston, but now living in Pittsburgh, we're a "dippy" family. Down here you can just order dippy in a restaurant!

  3. I guess that we are a dippy family as well. We love our eggs made in a nest and easy. Hope you are having a great week end and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Happy St. Patrick's Day!
    Miz Helen

  4. My mom would make dippy eggs all the time and dip her toast into it. I, sadly, do not like eggs, dippy, scrambled, poached, or anyother way. Thanks for the memory!

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