Friday, March 16, 2012

Church Supper Inspiration

I know many of you enjoy my weekly Blog Hop, Church Supper, hosted each Sunday. I also know many of you are very busy on the weekends, and aren't around as much as you are during the week, therefore might not have a clue to as what I'm talking about. Well, a Blog Hop, or Linky Party is something we bloggers can host on our blog where other bloggers can share recipes for visitors to view. Think of it as a huge virtual potluck dinner. I link up to many during the week, and then on Sunday, it's my turn. I was inspired by the old church suppers held in the basement of my childhood church and I always look forward to what everyone is going to share. There are always so many yummy things to drool over, and even find inspiration, as in this case. Recently, a fellow blogger, Carrie, from My Favorite Finds shared a salad I could not wait to try! In fact, I was in the kitchen making it within just a couple days. First off, it contains 2 of my favorite things: avocado and black beans. And secondly, I'm always looking for healthy, easy dishes for me to enjoy at lunch time when nobody else is home. Many days it's too simple to resort to the pj&j and chips; but if I have something like this that is made ahead and waiting in the fridge, weekday lunches become fun again. This is not only a terrific salad, it also makes the perfect "dip" for tortilla chips. Heck, I even think you could spoon some into a pita for a veggie sandwich. Thanks to everyone who links up, stops by and enjoys my Church Suppers as much as I do. I hope you find inspiration and something tasty to try just like I did.

Avocado and Black Bean Salad Adapted from My Favorite Finds (for original recipe, click here)
2 avocados, chopped
1 1/2 c. frozen corn, thawed
1 can black beans, rinsed and drained
3 Roma tomatoes, seeded and diced
1/4 c. black olives, sliced
1 green pepper, chopped
1/8 c. olive oil
1/8 c. canola oil
3 TBS lemon juice
1/4 tsp. garlic powder
Salt and Pepper to taste

In a large bowl, combine all veggies. Mix gently. Sprinkle w/ garlic powder, salt and pepper. Mix well. Drizzle w/ lemon juice and then oils. Toss to coat. Chill well.
*NOTE* When dressing salads w/ acid and oil both, always do the acid first. If the oil is coating the salad, the acid won't be able to.

If you want to make this ahead, add avocado closer to serving time.

 Shared on The Country Cook Mar. 16, 2012
Shared on Around My Family Table Mar. 16, 2012 
Shared on Make Ahead Meals Mar. 19, 2012 
Shared on Addicted to Recipes Mar. 20, 2012
Salad at Very Good Recipes
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  1. That looks fantastic. My husband would love this one! Come visit us. We have a lot of Irish treats this week.

  2. Love, love this! Thanks for bringing it to Weekend Potluck. I've pinned it and plan to make it soon. :)

  3. Thank you so much for linking up at Addicted to Recipes! I love the link parties, I get so inspired from everyone's recipes :-) Can't wait to see what you share next week. Have a super night!


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