Friday, February 17, 2012

Grandma's Turn

When it comes to pot luck dishes, and those the ladies in my family are famous for, I've already shared my deviled eggs and my mom's baked pineapple. Not, it's Grandma's turn in the pot luck spotlight. My grandma lives in Florida during the winter months (yep, a snow bird) in what I would describe as a retirement mobile home park. And throughout those months, they have many opportunities to gather at the community rec hall for dinners and pot luck meals. One of the things my grandma loves to take, and is always a hit among her neighbors and friends is scalloped corn. Now I don't know if this is something grandma only makes in Florida, or maybe she only started making it after I had grown up. Either way I don't remember her making it for our family meals, and therefore don't remember ever having it. So when I was trying to think of a new veggie to have remembering I had 2 cans of creamed corn in the cupboard, I picked up the phone and called grandma for the recipe. I was excited to learn it's super simple and doesn't take anything "special" as far as ingredients go. I'm sure those are two of the reasons why grandma enjoys making it too! If you are looking for a new way to fix corn, or maybe you used to have this as a kid, and haven't in a long time, try grandma's recipe today!

Scalloped Corn
2 cans creamed corn
1/4. c. milk
1/4. c. flour
3 eggs, beaten
Cracker Crumbs (I used 1/2 a sleeve of Saltines and crushed them in the food processor)
Salt and Pepper to taste
2 TBS butter, diced

In a large bowl, combine corn, milk, flour and eggs. Mix well. Season w/ salt and pepper. Pour into a 2 qt. casserole dish. Top w/ cracker crumbs and dot w/ butter. Bake at 325 for 1 hour.

Shared on The Country Cook Feb. 17, 2012
Shared on Six Sisters' Stuff Feb. 18, 2012
Shared on Make Ahead Meals Feb. 20, 2012

Corn at Very Good Recipes
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  1. yummy! my whole family loves corn! great recipe

  2. that looks so good! I'm going to try it next week (:

  3. I tried your grandma's scalloped corn tonight. super easy to make and so delicious too. thanks for sharing. Karen

  4. My grandma, my mom and myself make scalloped corn like this. Your recipe is the first one that I have come across that doesn't have corn bread mix in it. thank you for sharing so people know what "real" scalloped corn is!

  5. Carla I am so happy you found it! Enjoy :)

  6. About how many does this usually feed? Any recommendations if I'm using a crock pot?

  7. Hi Jennifer! This would feed about 6 as a side. I honestly don't know about the Crock Pot. I've never done it, and neither did Grandma. Honestly, I don't know how it would turn out with the crackers. I might be afraid of them being gummy and mushy,but I wish you good luck! Merry Christmas!


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