Monday, September 26, 2011

One Potato, Sweet Potato

Have you noticed in the frozen potato section of your grocery store if they are carrying bags of frozen sweet potato fries? Well, mine is and it's a development within the past year. Before that I could only find them at stores like Fresh Market. I think it's absolutely wonderful that companies have started to make healthier options for families who shop at "regular" stores like Walmart, Meijer, Kroger, etc. I think convenience is one of the major reason for some of the poor eating habits in this country. I know it is for my family. When we're rushing around from one activity to another, or I've been out all day and home late, it is so easy to hit a drive thru or order pizza. And to be quite honest, I think every once in a while, neither of these choices are as evil as some would like us to believe. There are people out there who want parents to feel guilty about some of the choices we make when it comes to feeding our families, and I believe everything in moderation. Fast food burgers 4 nights a week.....absolutely not. Grabbing a bite to eat so your day can go a little easier every now and then....okay w/ me. So if next to the french fries there is a bag of easy to prepare, precooked, frozen sweet potato fries I think it's a fantastic option. I've used them before, and they are really tasty. But this week I had some extra sweet potatoes I needed to use, so I decided to make my own. OMGosh, how good! We love sweet potatoes, and I've done roasted "chips" in the oven before, but there is just something about having them in fry shape that I think makes them taste even better! And the best part? They were done in about the same times as the frozen ones :) I'm a mom all about feeding my family healthy delicious food. But I'm also a realist that know convenience is something every parent needs a little taste of now and then!

Oven Baked Sweet Potato Fries

3 medium sweet potatoes ( I figured 1 potato per person)
Olive Oil
Kosher Salt

Preheat oven to 450. Line a large baking sheet w/ aluminum foil. Peel the potatoes (you can leave the skin on for extra nutrients, but it tends to be a bit chewy). Chop a small piece off each end of each potato, making the ends "flat". Slice each potato in "planks"--stand the potato up on end and slice downwards. Then slice each plank into "sticks" making fry shapes. Place on baking sheet. Drizzle w/ olive oil. They should glisten, but you don't want them laying in pools of oil. Season well w/ kosher salt and pepper. Toss around to coat evenly. Add just a tad bit more oil. Cook for 10 minutes. Turn and flip. Cook for 15 additional minutes until tender and golden brown.

Shared on Beyer Beware Sept. 26, 2011
Shared on Chef in Training Sept. 27, 2011
Shared on Naptime Creations Sept. 27, 2011
Shared on Celebrating Family Sept. 27, 2011
Shared on Sweetology Sept. 27, 2011
Shared on Mandy's Recipe Box Sept. 27, 2011
Shared on This Chick Cooks Sept. 28, 2011
Shared on Hugs & Cookies Sept. 28, 2011
Shared on Lady Behind The Curtain Sept. 28, 2011
Shared on Miz Helen's Country Cottage Sept. 29, 2011
Shared on Amee's Savory Dish Sept. 30, 2011
Shared on Everyday Sisters Oct. 30, 2011
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  1. I need to make sweet potato fries! I really like them, but have never tried making them myself! These look perfect!

  2. krista, this is such an important post. i just spent a few days with my favorite niece and her children (ages 5,7 and 8). i was appalled at the eating habits. they knew the menus at McD's, Wendy's and Arbeys. Moderation is fine, but their mom got an earful from me. And yes, their son has asthma and their daughter is alergic to peanuts. I really do not think it is a coincidence.

    Ah well, as i said, great post

  3. I like the frozen ones too, for a quickie, but those look delicious and nothing bets fresh, yum!

  4. I love sweet potato fries and so do my twins. Love your recipe! Simple and delicious!! Got a few sweet potatoes sitting in my veggie bowl. Looks like I'll be whipping these up soon!

  5. Thank you for this recipe! I have bought the frozen sweet potato fries many times, but would much rather make them myself so I could make them a little thicker!

  6. my husband would love these! Thanks for the inspiration! I started a link party at my blog and I'd love for you to link this up. If you're interested it's Have a lovely day, Maria

  7. Those homemade fries do look yummy. I've tried them in the oven, but I'll turn up the heat to 450 next time, like you recommend.


  9. We just love Sweet Potato Fries, and your recipe looks great. Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and have a great week end!
    Come Back Soon,
    Miz Helen

  10. these look absolutely delicious! Thanks so much for linking up to Tuesday Talent Show! I would love to have you stop by and link up again tomorrow with more great projects!


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