Tuesday, August 2, 2011

California Dreamin'

I've never been to California, but w/ a couple of Adam's aunts living there, and all the fun things there are to do and see, I wouldn't be surprised if our family takes a trip there some day. But we all know great dishes that come from California, right? Who can beat a box of Rice a Roni?? Lol And of course we can't forget sourdough bread! But in my mind, if there is an item that screams California cuisine more than anything else it is my dear friend, the avocado. Mmmm, just the thought of that buttery, smooth goodness makes me smile. I love them in guacamole, I love eating them sliced w/ a little salt and a couple of my favorite restaurant dishes even include them. Applebees' California Shrimp Salad and Red Robin's Bacon Guac Burger are real treats for me when I get the chance to indulge. And both of them are good, but are elevated to greatness b/c of the avocado! So when we were once again in the mood for BLTs (one of our favorite summer time meals) I decided to make mine a California one! Now since neither of my boys enjoy avocado the way Mommy does, it is a simple way to incorporate them into my sandwich w/o effecting theirs; which is nice b/c not all dishes I enjoy them in are that easily altered. So rather you live in Hollywood yourself, or in small town USA, you can enjoy a down home favorite w/ a new Cali twist!

California BLTs Makes 4 Sandwiches

8 slices wheat toast
4 TBS mayonnaise
2 large tomatoes, sliced
8 lettuce leaves
1 lb bacon, cooked and drained
1 avocado, sliced

Spread both sides of 2 pieces of toast w/ mayo. Add 2 bacon slices, tomato slice, lettuce and avocado. Season w/ salt and pepper if desired.

Shared on This Chic Cooks Aug. 3, 2011
Shared on Lark's Country Heart Aug. 3, 2011
Shared on Lady Behind The Curtain Aug. 3, 2011
Shared on Miz Helen's Country Cottage Aug. 4, 2011
Shared on It's a Keeper Aug. 4, 2011
Shared on Around My Family Table Aug. 4, 2011
Shared on Mangoes and Chutney Aug. 5, 2011
Shared on Amee's Savory Dish Aug. 5, 2011

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  1. Can I come over??? We're packing and moving over the next few weeks, so peanut butter sandwiches and root beer are going to be HUGE...this looks sooooo much better!

  2. terrific post with this. I need to use more avocados. Sounds delicious

  3. That is the perfect BLT. Yum. Come over and visit us. We have a wonderful Southern treat to share.

  4. Delicious! I love BLTs. Once my tomatoes ripen, I think I'll have them every day! Definitely going to try it with avocado! Thanks for the great idea!

  5. I love this. I think BLT's are already great and I love that it has avocado. Thank you so much for joining Fat Camp Friday! See you next week!

  6. Hi Krista,
    We just love a great BLT and your recipe looks delicious! Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and hope to see you again real soon! Hope you are having a great week end.
    Miz Helen

  7. Thanks so much for sharing your recipes with me at Cast Party Wednesday. I hope you will come back tomorrow for another party filled with GREAT RECIPES!
    I hope to see you there!


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