Sunday, January 30, 2011

Warm Drink For A Cold Day

Back when it was still warm and sunny I posted a recipe for Holiday Wassil (August 21, 2010) because I was thinking of the colder temps and holidays approaching. Well, the holiday season is past us, but the colder temps are still hanging on, and with a vengance. I had actually found the recipe b/c my brother in law had wanted to make traditional wassil, but I honestly had planned on trying it myself. Then a couple weeks before Christmas Adam was able to try some for the first time at a client's and came home raving about it. Again, I planned on trying that recipe from August. Well.....let's just say the holiday season swept me up and I never did get around to making it. Then this past week, he came home with my saving grace!! We have a friend who is a Tastefully Simple consultant and after he did some computer service for her she gave him a bottle of their Mulling Spice. He smelled it. I smelled it. We looked at the directions and we both agreed that this had to be VERY close to the wassil we were both looking for. So I decided today was the day w/ the themometer barely reaching 30ยบ. The smell coming from the crock pot is enough to say "here we come a wassling" to me!!!

Mulled Wassail 
64 oz cran apple juice
8 tsp Mulling Spice

Mulling Spice (for those who don't have the pre-made mix)
6 c. brown sugar
3 TBS cinnamon
2 TBS ground orange peel
2 TBS ground clove
2 TBS ground allspice
1 TBS ground nutmeg

Mix all together and store in an airtight container. If using this instead of pre-made mix, start with the 8 tsp and increase if necessary.

Place juice and spice in a crock pot. Stir well. Warm on low until ready to drink!

Shared on Sweetology Sept. 5, 2011
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  1. that's it? really??

    I love Wassial! I feel so ole timey when I drink it. lol.

  2. What a great idea! I SOOOOO love warm drinks in the cool temps! This sounds so yummy.


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