Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Very First

As most of you already know, my woes of a broken oven are over. My man fixed it, and it's up and running...baking, roasting...doing all the things it is supposed to, beautifully.

 But I'm not going to lie. As much as I love no bake desserts, I was starting to crave something freshly baked from that oven. I'm not kidding you, he got it fixed on a Saturday afternoon, and Sunday morning I got up extra early to bake something, simply because I knew I could; and this recipe was the very first thing I baked in my newly fixed oven!

This is a take on my Strawberry Cobbler I shared last summer. See, not only are my boys raspberry and blackberry fanatics, but this year, we actually have fresh blackberries growing in our backyard. Alex gets so excited every time he checks the bushes and finds those purple beauties staring back at him. So, Mommy just had to find a yummy dessert to use some in to reward all his hard work.

I love this recipe because it is truly fool proof. Even if you aren't much of a baker, I guarantee you can make this. Mixing, pouring, baking. That about covers it. And I don't see why your favorite berry couldn't be substituted.

I'm so grateful to have my oven up and working again. Not only does it make menu planning so much easier, but in insures scrumptious things like this are going to keep showing up on EMM!

Blackberry Cobbler
1 c. flour
1 c. sugar
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1 egg, beaten
4 TBS butter, diced
4 c. blackberries, fresh or if frozen, thawed and drained
Whipped Cream, optional

Preheat oven to 375. Spray an 8x8 baking pan. Layer berries in bottom of pan. In a large bowl combine all dry ingredients. Mix well. Add egg. Using a fork, mix until forms a crumbly mixture. Sprinkle over top of berries. Dot with butter dices. Bake for 45-55 minutes until golden brown and bubbly. Cool slightly before serving. Top with whipped cream, or ice cream!

Shared on Lady Behind The Curtain Aug. 21, 2013
Shared on The Country Cook Aug. 23, 2013


  1. This looks amazing. We also have several blackberry bushes growing on our property so this will definitely be something to try. If your oven is ever on the blink again and dessert is your craving, you can also do cobbler on the grill. I made a blueberry almond cobbler on the grill a few weeks back and it was fabulous. Plus there's the added bonus of not heating up the house to make it.

  2. Dear Krista, This looks so delicious...glad to hear your oven is working again. What a great first recipe to make in celebration! Now following. Blessings, Catherine xo

  3. Awesome recipe to get that oven 'going strong' again. Oh what a treat! to have your own blackberries growing. Thanks so much for sharing at Weekend Potluck.


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