Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Microwave Cooking Help { A Review For Homecooked Shortcuts, Inc.}

Do you enjoy using your microwave to relieve some of the hassle of cooking? If the answer is "yes" or even "no, but I would like to", then I've got a great product for you to try!

The Corn-n-Tater™ reusable microwave bag, from Homecooked Shortcuts, Inc.  is designed to cook food to perfection in the microwave without the loss of flavor or consistency, due to an unique moisture retaining blend of cotton and bamboo materials. The special lining is naturally antibacterial and odor resistant, so it will not mold!

It's great for potatoes, corn on the cob, broccoli, peppers, bread and more! Simple to use, and easy to clean (just wash in cold water and let air dry...but not necessary every time!) it's a great help to busy cooks!

Plus, it's completely free of BPA chemicals, which I know for most of us is something we are paying very close attention to these days. And it's made in the USA!!!!

So far I've tried potatoes and asparagus in mine, and I after tasting them, you can't believe they are cooked in the microwave! The flavor is fresh and tasty, but I can still have dinner on the table in less time with less mess! With each bag you also receive a small pamphlet with complete instructions, cooking times and recipe ideas.

If you would like to learn more, be sure to check the Corn-n-Tater™ reusable microwave bag out online for ordering and info; and like them on Facebook for all the most up to date info!

Disclaimer: I received a free product in exchange for this review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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