Monday, July 8, 2013

It's Okay To Get Sticky

I will be the first person to admit, I'm not a fan of messy things. Sure, there is no way to eat things like barbecued ribs or corn on the cob without making a total mess of yourself, but for the most part, I haven't always been a person who is okay with a mess.

In fact, I'm pretty sure I had one of the cleanest babies on the face of the planet. Yep, I was the mom who was constantly busting out the handi-wipes to clean his face and hands. I'm the one that kept a wet rag beside us during high chair feeding to promptly clean up any spills. Yeah, so I was a little OCD about it. It's okay though. I accept about myself.

But as he's gotten a little older, I've accepted the fact he is a boy and will spend 99% of his life dirty, in one way or another. And honestly, I'm pretty okay with it. I don't mind it as much as he was a baby. Maybe part of it was the whole "trying to be the perfect 1st time mommy, with the baby who always looks neat and tidy" syndrome I was suffering from. Whatever it was, I'm glad it has eased up a tad, because with this boy...who is all boy...I would be driving myself crazy at this point trying to keep him clean!

Like the ribs and corn mentioned above, this dish is one that even though it's eaten with a knife and fork, you're going to get a little sticky, a little messy eating it. But I guarantee it's totally worth it! I came up with when I had laid out smoked sausage for supper, not sure what I was going to do with it. Then I decided I would grill it and because of that, it needed a yummy sauce to be basted in. This makes for something sweet, tangy, sticky...and absolutely delicious.

I've accepted that I'm never going to be totally okay with messes in my life. But I've learned which ones are in need of prompt clean up (can't do flour all over the kitchen!) and those that make life more interesting, more fun, and in this case, much more mouth watering!

Sticky Grilled Smoked Sausage
1 lb. smoked sausage
1/3 c. barbecue sauce
1/4 c. packed brown sugar
3 TBS cider vinegar

Cut sausage into 4-5 inch pieces and slice lengthwise. In a small bowl combine barbecue sauce, sugar and vinegar. Whisk well. Preheat grill to high. Spray well with cooking spray. Brush sausage with glaze. Place on grill. Once seared, flip, baste again, and turn heat down to medium. Continue cooking and basting for about 10 minutes, turning often. *NOTE* Be careful! These will burn very easily. We like some "char" marks but they will turn black if you aren't watching!

Shared on The Country Cook July 12, 2013
Sausage at Very Good Recipes
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  1. I am WILD about simple (& sticky too!) recipes like this one. These look mighty tasty. Thanks so much for sharing at Weekend Potluck. Please come back again soon.

  2. My husband doesn't normally care for kielbasa, but it's always nice to have on hand for a quick dinner. He LOVED this recipe! Will definitely be making again, thanks!


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