Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Just A Little Greek

Do you have a food or a dish that each time you eat it you shall I say it..."fancy"? You don't know why but it just makes you feel like you aren't sitting in your pajamas in front of the television eating it, but instead in a very sophisticated setting with crystal water glasses. For me that food is olive tapenade.

For those of you who have never had it, let me explain. Olive Tapenade is a dish consisting of pureed or finely chopped olives, anchovies, capers and oil. It comes from the French word for capers and is usually eaten as an appetizer in the South of France, but is also seen in Italian and Mediterranean cuisine.

I first had it a few years ago as a spread on baguette bread, and it was love at first bite. I'm not surprised. I love both olives and capers; and their briny, salty flavor. But until that moment, it was always something I had thought of as a delicacy and therefore, it retains this image in my mind every time I eat it. Not to mention, I just love the stuff!!

So you can imagine how thrilled I was when I found a burger recipe using it as an ingredient, not just a "topper". These burgers may be small, but they pack a punch of big flavor. Perfect for a party or family meal, they are also super simple. Plus, they are made with ground turkey, so you can feel good about having three!

If you have never had olive tapenade, I encourage you to try this recipe one because they are delicious; but also because there is enough in a jar you will have some left over and it's the perfect snack with some crackers or pita chips!

Greek Turkey Sliders Adapted from Betty Crocker
1 lb. ground turkey
1/3 c. olive tapenade
6 tsp. dried parsley, divided
1/2 c. plain Greek Yogurt
1/2 c. sour cream
1/2 c. cucumber, peeled and chopped
8 slider buns
16 thin slices cucumber
Salt and Pepper to taste

In a medium bowl combine turkey, olive tapenade, 4 tsp. parsley, salt and pepper. Mix well using hands and form into 8 small patties, about 1/2 inch thick. Spray grill pan with cooking spray and cook patties for about 5 minutes per side. In a small bowl combine yogurt, sour cream, chopped cucumber, 2 tsp. parsley, salt and pepper. Mix well. When burgers are done, spread sauce on bottom of bun, add 2 slices of cucumber and burger. Top with bun and serve.

Shared on Lady Behind The Curtain Mar. 6, 2013
Shared on Miz Helen's Country Cottage Mar. 7, 2013
Shared on The Country Cook Mar. 8, 2013


  1. Those look so terrific. I know my family will enjoy them.

  2. I just love the flavors of these Sliders. Thank you so much for sharing this special recipe with Full Plate Thursday and enjoy your weekend.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen


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