Monday, March 4, 2013

Birthday Treat From Mom

Before I share today's recipe I need to start with a little EMM business. For almost 2 years now, I have shared a new recipe each weekday, Monday through Friday. That is 5 new recipes per week. And while it has been challenging in so many good ways, it also has a downside. See, I've never been a last minute blogger. I don't make something new, type the post and let it go "live" right away. Instead, I like to be a few days ahead. That way if something happens and I can't test new recipes for a few days, there is still something new for you to enjoy. But here is the conundrum...that's a lot of pressure! Or at least I put a lot of pressure on myself to make it happen. It averages out to I need to be testing 3-4 new recipes per week. And while some weeks that is perfectly doable, some weeks it's not...and it's beginning to stress me out just a little; and since I love what I do...I mean I adore what I do...I need to find a happy medium. A way of sharing new things with all of you each week while not having my stress level through the roof. So, this is what I've come up with. Beginning this week, new recipes will be shared 3 days per week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Now, what does that mean? It means if you log onto the blog Tuesday and Thursday, you will still see the recipe from the day before, or if possible, that is when I will schedule reviews and/or giveaways. The weekends won't be effected. Saturdays will still be for guest bloggers and Sundays Church Supper. I will still be around on those "off" days sharing past recipes on Facebook and interacting with all of you. It just gives me a little wiggle room for the timing of testing new dishes in my kitchen. Life is super busy, and with Taekwondo season just kicking off, it's only going to get busier. So, I'm going to try this for a bit and see if it takes a little bit of the pressure away, while still allowing me to do this thing I treasure so much. I thank you in advance for your patience and support on this new chapter of EMM.

Okay, time for the food!

Today I am sharing one of my favorite dishes on the face of the planet...and of course it's made by mom! Some of you might have read on Facebook that my dear sweet mom was supposed to come over last week and treat me to cooking my favorite meal to celebrate my birthday. She was all ready to "tear down" in my kitchen...and that's about the time the winter "ick" found her. Yep, she came down with a nasty sore throat, sinus infection and bronchitis. Well, as much as she insisted that she could still do it, I said "Absolutely not. You need to stay home and rest!" Being a mom though, she of course felt terrible that she couldn't do what she had promised. So, leave it to her to still do something instead. I was told to stop at her house on my birthday to pick up a few things. Waiting for me were my gifts, my favorite frosted cookie cake, and this to take home with me. Yes, it's simply egg salad, but mom's recipe has something a little extra in it. Green Olives. If you are an olive fan, you're gonna love this! In fact, the ratio of olives to eggs is so high, we don't even call it egg's "Egg and Olive"...and nobody can make it like mom. Sure, I've tried... but it never tastes as good. I'm convinced she puts something extra in it that I don't know about it. Like maybe a dash or two of love!

So here is my favorite lunch item ever, made with love by mom! After all, only a mom would stand at the kitchen counter, head pounding, throat on fire and lungs filled with fluid, to make sure her little girl got an extra special birthday treat!

Egg and Olive Salad
6 hard boiled eggs, chopped
1 (5.75 oz) jar sliced green olives, drained
3/4 c. Miracle Whip
Salt and Pepper to taste

Mix all ingredients together until well combined. Chill until serving. Serve with crackers or as a sandwich.

Shared on Make Ahead Meals Mar. 4, 2013
Shared on Lady Behind The Curtain Mar. 6, 2013
Shared on Miz Helen's Country Cottage Mar. 7, 2013
Shared on The Country Cook Mar. 8, 2013


  1. I love olives and plan on trying your moms recipe asap. And on the subject of reducing your workload, i say go for it! We love you!

  2. Hi Kirsta, I hope your plan to slow down works, it 's not worth getting all stressed out just to post recipes. And you can benefit maybe have more time to check out what others are doing and gather more recipes..............good luck andi the wednesdaybaker

  3. This looks great! I think it makes a lovely spring dish - one that I will be trying soon. I am visiting from Weekend Potluck. When I read your blog I was thinking you must be superwoman or something - 5 days a week for 3 years? I'm lucky to get my Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday posts - sometimes I don't get that done. You deserve a break! Happy Blogging!

  4. Hi Krista,
    I totally understand about finding a healthy balance for a blogging schedule. We always look forward to your great food, including this Olive and Egg Salad. Thank you so much for sharing this special recipe with Full Plate Thursday and enjoy your weekend.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  5. Visiting from Weekend Potluck - this recipe looks wonderful! Thanks for sharing~


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