Monday, April 9, 2012

What To Have?

I don't know how lunch works at your house, but at mine, it's never a "set" meal. It's more of a "whatever you can find, eat it" meal. Especially on weekdays when Adam is working and Alex is at school. Sometimes I get so busy doing my daily routine I actually forget to each lunch, but such is the life of a housewife. However, on other days I open the fridge wondering "oh what to have." It might be a quick snack, or other times I gaze at all the leftovers we have and wonder what I could whip up with them. That is how this sandwich came to be. On the leftovers list was: roast beef, horseradish cream sauce, spinach from a salad and hamburger buns. Well, it didn't take a genius to figure out a sandwich could easily be created, especially w/ the spinach. Have you ever substituted it for lettuce in a sandwich? I started years ago when my husband turned me onto it. Even at Subway, I leave the lettuce off and opt for spinach instead! It can give your favorite sandwich a whole new flavor and texture. This is definitely something I will be trying to remember again when all of those items show up in my fridge at the same time again! Sometimes the best creations happen when you least expect it!

Beef and Spinach Sammy w/ Horsey Sauce
Makes 1 sandwich

3 slices of left over roast beef (or deli meat)
1/4 spinach leaves, stems removed
2-3 TBS horseradish cream sauce (see below)
Salt and Pepper to taste
Sandwich bun, toasted

Spread sauce on each side of bun. Lay spinach leaves on bottom. Place beef on top of spinach. Sprinkle w/ salt and pepper. Add a little more sauce, if desired (I like a lot!) Top w/ bun.

Horseradish Cream Sauce
1/2 c. sour cream
3 TBS mayo
2 TBS prepared horseradish
1 tsp dried mustard
1 TBS cider vinegar
Salt and pepper to taste

Whisk all together and chill. Store in fridge for up to 1 week.

Shared on Make Ahead Meals Apr. 9, 2012
Sandwiches at Very Good Recipes
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