Tuesday, April 10, 2012

A Monkey's Request

Alex came home from school a couple weeks ago and declared "Mommy, I like beets. They put them on the salads at school and they are yummy." To which I replied "Are you sure b/c you always say you don't when we have them." (Can I just say too, I applaud my son's school for including beets in their menu!!!) "Oh yes, Mommy, they are so good. They taste like the ones I like at Pizza Hut." Well, sound the trumpets and turn on the light bulb b/c this was one of those "duh" moments we parents sometimes have. My son doesn't dislike beets. He dislikes pickled beets! And how did I determine this? I don't know about your local Pizza Hut's salad bar, but ours is fantastic and includes diced, non-pickled beets. And until that moment I had never made the correlation or even noticed that my boy did indeed eat the ones on his salad off the buffet but not the ones I served at home. See, Mr. Everyday and I enjoy both kinds, so I guess I just never thought about it. Well, that was all it took. I bought a can of "regular" ones the next day to confirm my suspicions; and what do you know? I was right! So now it was time to figure out another way I could cook them besides the "can opener" method. That's when I thought about how many other veggies I have roasted and it's such a fantastic way of cooking "new" veggies b/c the flavors are simple yet developed. I even think if there is a veggie you, or someone in your family, even a child, thinks is "yucky", try it roasted. Just once. And you might be totally surprised! Once again my oven did not disappoint! We all agreed these were delicious, tender and almost had a "nutty" flavor. Plus, Alex was so excited that he "came up with the idea." We won't tell him any different, now will we??!!

Roasted Beets
Makes 3 servings
6 medium sized beets, stems, leaves and roots removed
Olive Oil
Kosher Salt

Preheat oven to 400. Line a baking sheet w/ foil. Using a vegetable peeler or paring knife peel the beets. Slice into 1/2-inch rounds. Place on baking sheet. Drizzle liberally w/ olive oil. Season w/ salt and pepper. Toss gently to coat. Cook for 40 minutes until tender, flipping half way through. Remove and add a little more kosher salt.
~Join me for Tasty Tuesday on Formula Mom~

Shared on Mandy's Recipe Box Apr. 10, 2012
Shared on Chef in Training Apr. 10, 2012 
Shared on The Country Cook Apr. 13, 2012 
Shared on Gooseberry Patch Apr. 27, 2012 
Vegetables at Very Good Recipes
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  1. That looks incredible - I love beets!

    Stopping by from Totally Tasty Tuesday. Pinning to share :)

  2. These look great! I found them @ the weekend potluck #13. I will be pinning them. :)


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