Thursday, February 9, 2012

Soup For a Sick Monkey

When your baby doesn't feel good, Mommy doesn't feel good. And it doesn't matter how old that baby is! Mine is 7 and anytime he is under the weather, I suffer just as much. Sometimes I think a little more b/c he's a trooper when he doesn't feel well, still eats, plays;sometimes when you look at him you wouldn't believe he is sick. Me on the other hand, I'm the one making sure meds stay on schedule, up half the night listening for him, running around making sure he's warm, comfortable and trying to make it better however I can. What can I say? I'm a Mommy and that's my job :) So last week when he wasn't feeling well I knew exactly how I wanted to treat him, and at the same time get something warm in his belly. After all, "feed a cold, starve a fever"! And a great thing to feed that cold? Soup! In this case, not just any soup, Hot and Sour Soup! Alex loves going to our favorite Japanese restaurant for sushi, but I think something he enjoys even more is eating soup out of their cute bowls and spoons. I'm sure you know the ones I'm talking about. They are pretty standard at any Asian restaurant I've ever been too. From the first time we ever took him there, he has always gotten such a kick out of those spoons! We are lucky enough to have an Oriental Market here in Fort Wayne, and Adam has shopped there more than once. So on his latest trip, he picked up a set of those bowls and spoons and I knew giving my monkey some yummy soup out of those was just one more way to make him feel better! He walked into the kitchen was his eyes got as big as saucers~"Mommy, you got the bowls and the spoons," The smile that lit up his face was all the thanks I needed. Even if you have to eat this out of a "regular" bowl, it's still pretty tasty and might just hit the spot the next time you're feeling a little under the weather!

Hot and Sour Soup

4 c. beef broth
3 TBS soy sauce
1/2 c.button mushrooms, diced
1 tsp garlic chili sauce (Use this to taste. For Alex, I didn't want it too hot)
1/4 tsp pepper
1/4 c. white vinegar
1/3 c. bamboo shoots, julienned
3 oz. block tofu, cut into 1/4 inch dice, optional
2 TBS cornstarch
2 TBS cold water
1 egg beaten
3 green onions, diced

Bring broth to a simmer in a 2 quart saucepan. Add soy sauce, mushrooms and garlic chili sauce. Simmer for 5 minutes. Add pepper, vinegar, bamboo shoots and tofu. Simmer for 5 minutes. Combine the cornstarch and water. Stir until mixture is smooth. Add to soup and stir well. Simmer for 5 minutes until thickened. Pour beaten egg in slowly and stir soup in one direction. Stir to combine. Take off heat. Serve w/ garnish of green onions.

Shared on It's A Keeper Feb. 9, 2012
Shared on Miz Helen's Country Cottage Feb. 9, 2012
Shared on The Country Cook Feb. 10, 2012
Shared on Six Sisters' Stuff Feb. 11, 2012
Shared on Home Savvy Feb. 13, 2012
Shared on Make Ahead Meals Feb. 13, 2012
Shared on Gooseberry Patch May 16, 2012
Soup at Very Good Recipes


  1. Looks very yummy soup. :) I like ingredients and instruction is make easy for me to cook tonight. Thanks!

    garlic chili pepper

  2. This looks delicious...I want to go out and get some bowls and spoons, too now! We have a great market near my house and the girls love to go there with me. This soup sounds perfect. I can see why it would be good for a cold. It's very brothy, but it has some protein and spice in there to knock it out:-).

  3. Way to go Mom! Love the soup and making the day special makes such a nice story!


  4. That is a really sweet story about your son :) The soup looks delicious! I'm hosting a weekly blog carnival specifically for soups, stocks and chowders, every Sunday! I would love it if you would come over and post this recipe. Here's a link with more information:

    I hope to see you there!

  5. This is one of my favorite soups. Yours looks just delicious! We have wonderful beef and barley stew. We would love to have your visit.

  6. I was just saying how I was craving hot and sour soup yesterday! Thanks for linking up at Weekend Potluck!

  7. Your presentation in the pretty bowl and spoon are so nice. This recipe would sure make me feel better. I love Sweet and Sour Soup. Hope you have a fabulous week end and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  8. For the last 20 years, anytime I or my daughter is sick, we want Hot and Sour Soup! This wonderful recipe will save us from having to go out and buy it. Thanks! I subscribe to The Country Cook and you were featured on Weekend Potluck....I'm so glad!! Thanks!

  9. This is one of my favorite soups. Thanks for sharing delicious soup

  10. mmm, this sounds so good. We loved having you link up to our "Strut Your Stuff Saturday!" We hope to see you back next Saturday with more fun ideas! -The Sisters

  11. I love hot and sour soup. This looks really great. I have to give it a try. I hope you son feels better soon!



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