Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Don't Let The Name Fool You

Upon reading the title of this recipe some might be turned away thinking, "fried...well, that leaves me out". But do not let the wording fool you and/or scare you. This time frying is not only tasty, but really not bad. In fact, I guess I could have substituted it for "sauteed", but then I wouldn't have had this fun introduction! Are you a fan of butter beans? We sure are, in fact, we love 'em. For those who don't know, butter beans are actually lima beans ; and are a great source of fiber and virtually fat free source of protein! They are both good and good for you, can't get much better than that. For years I've been making them, with just a little butter, salt and pepper. But this time I wanted to "jazz" things up a little bit. This recipe is so easy and really gives them a different flavor, and even a little different texture b/c of the "frying" aspect. Plus since the whole thing is done in olive oil you don't have to feel guilty about it. (You do know olive oil is good for you, right?) So if you're looking to try a new vegetable, or just want a new way to eat something you do anyway, don't let the name fool you, these beans are figure friendly, even if fried!

Pan Fried Butter Beans
2 cans baby butter beans, rinsed, drained and dried
6 TBS olive oil
1/2 tsp dried thyme
1/2 tsp dried parsley, extra for garnish
Salt and Pepper to taste

Heat olive oil over medium heat. Add beans and cook for a few minutes. Add seasonings and continue to cook, stirring occasionally until beans become slightly brown on the edges. Be careful, once they start to brown, they can burn very easily. Garnish w/ parsley.

Shared on Lady Behind The Curtain Feb. 8, 2012
Shared on This Chick Cooks Feb. 8, 2012
Shared on It's A Keeper Feb. 9, 2012
Shared on Miz Helen's Country Cottage Feb. 9, 2012
Beans at Very Good Recipes
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  1. These look awesome! My Momma used to fry them butter! Haha No olive oil used back in the day! Then, when they were "just right" you add enough heavy cream to wet them, another "glob" of butter and top with fresh black pepper! Yep, farmers from Kansas!

  2. Butter beans are good no matter how you cook them! We love to fry them too Krista! Thanks for sharing! May have us some fried butter beans soon! ;)

  3. Last time I made butter beans, I fried them in bacon fat... UMMM, Talk about GOOD!

    Thanks for sharing, Dave

  4. Great recipe. It looks terrific. We have a hearty beef casserole to share. Come on over and visit us! We have some good news we are sharing today!

  5. Great recipe. It looks terrific. We have a hearty beef casserole to share. Come on over and visit us! We have some good news we are sharing today!

  6. I never even think to have butter beans as a side dish but they look really good here. I always use olive oil anyway!

  7. Well Krista, I just love Butter Beans, but don't think I have ever had them fried. I am sure going to try this recipe those Beans look so good! Hope you have a fabulous week end and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen


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