Saturday, August 20, 2011

7 Facts Blogger Game

Well, I'm been tagged, so I can't ignore it right?? My friend and fellow blogger, ....And Then I Ate It has requested me to play along, so sure! Here are my 7....if I tag you.....what are yours?

Most Beautiful Post (I have 2)
I don't profess to be a professional food photographer, nor do I take one picture and call it a day. I usually end up clicking, clicking again, maybe again and then fixing it on the laptop before I post it. But the minute I took these pictures I just knew!

The Most Popular Post
This is one of our favorites so I was so happy to guest blog it on The Country Cook and it instantly became a hit, and the most viewed page I've had. So thanks to all of my fans, and hers, for making it the top dog. Ha!

The Most Controversial Post
This is kind of a hard one, b/c all of my readers are always so gracious and complimentary to me, my food and my posts. So, due to the overwhelming feeling of support I always feel from my fans, I'm not choosing one. But I guess if you can think of one that was super controversial, please let me know!

The Most Helpful Post
This is easy, and the funny part is it's not even food! When I posted this in spring it instantly lit up the Internet waves. When I look "behind the scenes" of who is logging on, and from where, and to what, this one has drawn the most international viewers. Mostly b/c like me, people "Google" it for help, and they are directed here. It's nice to know people from around my city, state, country and world have softer hands b/c of me:)

The Most Surprisingly Successful Post
When I decided to make this cake and post it, I didn't really expect to have it be overly popular. Not b/c it's not fantastic or delicious, but I knew there were a ton of versions out there and a lot of people had probably already seen it and tried it. But much to my surprise it was very popular. Maybe it's b/c of the cute name (I do have to say, one of my more brilliant moments) or b/c I shared it on linky parties, but whatever the reason, it surprised the heck out of me.

Didn't Quite Get The Attention It Deserved
I thought this post was really cute, and it shared a little piece of my family and our vacation w/ the world. Maybe people were just busy that day. Lol The funny thing is every other post I've used this same beer batter w/ has been hugely successful. Maybe this will allow redemption :)

Post I'm Most Proud Of
I love this recipe. I love it came from my mom. I love I was able to share w/ it my son. I love my readers loved it. It was one of the first times I knew I had a really good picture of the food. It was one of the first ones I shared on Facebook, and 1500 fans later, it's still popular. Not to mention it included a picture of my Monkey, which always makes this Mommy proud.

Now it's time to spread the fun around. If I tag you and you don't have the time I understand (as my tagger told me) but if you do, be sure to comment so I know to head over to read what your 7 are!

Pin It


  1. Thanks for playing along!!!
    I have go check some of those recipes out!!
    BTW, where did you get the "PIN IT" button? I NEED one of those!!!

    Kay Johnson

  2. Go to Pinterest, and create an account if you don't have one. Then there is a spot that says "Blog Button". I tried to add mine to the entire HTML of the blog, but it didn't work. So I saved it to my desktop and just copy and paste it to each post's HTML.

  3. I love these kind of things. A terrific chance for us newbies to catch up on what you like.

    Heading to take a second look at the coney sauce~


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