Thursday, December 30, 2010

Knock Off Hopes

One of our favorite restaurants here in Fort Wayne, and our absolute favorite Italian one is Casa De Angelo and all of those in the Casa family. They have the best food for the price and I think the 3 of us could eat there once a week if we tried:) One of Adam's favorite dishes is Capellini Pomodoro which is a thin pasta in a red sauce w/ mushrooms and kalamata olives. And now Alex likes it as much as he does. Since we can't eat there as much as we would like, I'm going to try to recreate this dish for supper next week. The only difference w/ mine is I'm using whole grain spaghetti instead of the capellini. I try to use whole grain whenever possible since it is healthier; and that was we don't have as much guilt for eating it.

Capellini Pomodoro

1 lb cappellini or thin spaghetti
1 26 oz jar marinara sauce
1 jar pitted kalamata olives
8 oz mushrooms- sliced
2 TBS garlic
Salt and pepper, to taste
Olive Oil

In a saute pan,  cook mushrooms in oil until brown, about 3 minutes. Add garlic and season w/ salt and pepper. Add olives and let cook 5-8 minutes until flavors develop. Add marinara and simmer on low. Meanwhile, cook pasta according to directions. Drain. Add 1/2 of sauce to pasta and mix well. Serve each portion w/ 1/3 of the remaining sauce on top.

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