Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!!!

Well, 2010 is coming to an end. It's been a year full of ups, downs, good times, some bad times, smiles, tears, good food and some recipes that didn't pan out so well. But one of the most exciting things 2010 brought with it was this blog. I can't believe it's been 7 months since I finally listened to family and friends that kept saying I should start one. It's been such a surprising blessing in my life allowing me a hobby that combines 2 things I love--food and "cyber" communication. No matter how long I do it, I will always be astounded that I can take 5 minutes to type something on here that has the potential to be read by an enormous amount of people. I am so thankful to all of my readers--I still get excited when a comment is left, or someone mentions "they read it on my blog". Thank you for allowing me into your kitchen to share a little piece of me w/ your family.  I hope 2011 brings you many blessings from above and is filled w/ good times, much love and a lot of great food!

A loud wild party, many hours spent at a local bar, welcoming the new year in w/ a lot of drinks--that is our way. NOT!!!!!! With Alex at home, New Year's Eve has taken on a whole new meaning for Adam and I. We used to go out to dinner w/ my parents, and a few times we've had friends over and even mom and dad stopped by last year, but really since Alex was born, we've stayed home and just enjoyed the time together, or w/ a few people we love. Now what I do is put out what Alex calls my "party buffet" instead of a traditional supper and fill it w/ yummy tidbits that we make a meal out of. Tonight our buffet includes: 2 shrimp rings, pot stickers, jalapeno poppers, veggies/dip, deviled eggs, popcorn, crackers/cheese/summer sausage and dried beef roll ups. The last is a SUPER easy snack or party food that I have been making for years and I'm happy to share it w/ you for the first recipe of 2011!!

Dried Beef Roll Ups
1 jar dried beef
1 container whipped cream cheese (the whipped is much easier to spread)

Spread cream cheese on each piece of dried beef. Roll up and cut in half.

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