Sunday, August 27, 2023

Long Lost Food Blogger

 Did you think your friendly neighborhood everyday mom abandoned you? I promise I haven't. Life is just crazy busy right now, and while I'm still in the kitchen cooking, most days I am relying on go-to recipes, quick stuff, and not even considering developing anything new for you. 

Let's see, the oldest graduated in May, summer came, we vacationed for 2 weeks on the beach, by the time we got home we had a month left before we had to move him to college. There was dorm shopping, school supply shopping, uniform shopping for the little guy, more dorm room shopping, and of course trips to the zoo, pool and library thrown in for fun. Oh, and a big 7 birthday in there too with three weekends of parties!

Then August came and it was time to pack up the car, set up the college freshman's dorm room and then drive away! Leave my baby! I won't lie, walking out of that room was the hardest thing I've ever done. Part of my heart is now two hours away. For almost 19 years, every moment of every day has been planned around him (and of course his baby brother too). My entire existence has been wrapped up in being his mom. It's a weird feeling to be bursting withe pride, and so excited for him all at the same time as feeling lost and a little heart broken. But you know what helps? His smile in every picture. His voice in every call. He is settling in and we can't wait to see what this year holds for him.

Here at home, we are learning to be a threesome. It still feels weird, and yes there are days when I cry because I miss him, but God knew what He was doing spreading my kids 12 years apart, because I am blessed to have a little boy who depends on and needs me. I have thrown myself into his world...I am  room mom for his 1st grade class, I just took on a Vice President role in PTL at his school, and I will be substituting aide in Kindergarten this year again. 

I am staying as busy as I can so I don't have to focus on missing my boy. I have taken on multiple projects for school and our annual fundraiser auction. Plus, I am busy with my work over on as well. 

But guess what? Even with all of this I found time to come up with a little something new to share with all of you and I think you're going to love it!

Easy Orange Chicken only has a short ingredient list, starts with a bag of frozen chicken and is ready in almost no time! It is perfect or a busy weeknight and can easily be doubled for a bigger crowd! 

I am truly sorry I have been so absent lately; and I wish I could tell you things will get back to normal around here soon, but I think we are in a new normal, and I have to figure out exactly what that means. But I promise to keep coming up with yummy stuff to share, even if it comes a little more sporadically than before!

Easy Orange Chicken


What kind of chicken to use?

This recipe is great because it uses a bag of frozen boneless chicken wings. It would be delicious with chicken nuggets or tenders too! 

Do I have to use sesame oil?

I understand not wanting to buy an ingredient you might not use a lot, but if you love cooking Asian food at home, I highly recommend investing in a bottle. It adds so much flavor to so many dishes! 

Can I use orange juice instead of orange marmalade?

No. The marmalade is thick and helps to coat the chicken. Juice will make the sauce way too thin. 

Can I air fry the chicken?

Sure! Check the directions on the bag and any way they recommend to prepare it, go for it!

What kind of barbecue sauce should I use? 

Use whatever you have on hand or is your favorite. I always have a "normal" flavor to use in recipes that I can add other flavors too. With the sweetness of the marmalade something smoky/savory is perfect. 

Can I make this spicy?

You sure can! Add some red pepper flakes or chili crisp for extra heat!

Best Tips:

Cook your chicken for a few extra minutes for extra crispy bites.

Frozen chicken tenders could be baked, cut up and then sauced. 

Be sure to whisk sauce while cooking to avoid scorching.

Serve this with white rice, fried rice, steamed broccoli, edamame, stir-fry veggies, mandarin oranges. 

If you have leftovers, keep in a covered dish in the fridge for 2 days. 

Easy Orange Chicken

1 (24 oz.) bag frozen boneless chicken wings

1/2 cup barbecue sauce

1 1/4 cups orange marmalade

1/4 tsp. garlic powder

2 tsp. sesame oil 

Cook chicken according to package directions, adding a few extra minutes. In a medium sauce pan combine barbecue sauce, marmalade, garlic powder and sesame oil. Whisk well. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes until thick and smooth, whisking often.  When chicken is cooked, transfer to a large bowl. Pour sauce over and toss to coat. Serve immediately with rice, veggies, etc.

Easy Orange Chicken



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