Sunday, December 11, 2022

Not a TikTok Fan

 So let me clarify that title. I am not here to bash anyone who loves TikTok, it just isn't something I get into. I'm not saying I never see anything from there- I don't live under a rock- but I don't have the app, and I don't seek TikTok videos out. If others share them with me, or I happen to see them in my social feeds, that's fine. 

In fact, that is exactly how I stumbled upon this recipe, which went viral on TikTok, and after eating it I know why. 

Raise your hand if you can always use new chicken recipes! Yep, me too! Even now that chicken can be pricey at the store, I want to be ready when it goes on sale because I'm going to stock up, and if I'm going to be cooking with it from the freezer for a while, I want some new dishes to play with. 

This is one of those dinners that looks fancy, but is super easy. Boneless chicken breasts in a creamy sauce flavored with sun-dried tomatoes, garlic and Parmesan cheese. It is so delicious, the rumor is if you make it for a date, you might just get proposed to-hence the "marry me" title. 

We love this served with some buttered pasta on the side to soak up the extra sauce from the chicken, but it would be just as yummy with rice or mashed potatoes too. 

Marry Me Chicken is simple enough for a weeknight supper, but if you are hosting a dinner party during this holiday season, this will wow your guests; and can be doubled pretty easily if you've got a crowd coming. 

The lesson here? Just because you don't enjoy something that seems to be all the rage, that doesn't mean you can't still take something away from it and learn something new! I won't be a TikTok subscriber any time soon, but if you see a great recipe over there, send it my way!

Marry Me Chicken

Marry Me Chicken

4 boneless chicken breasts

1 cup heavy cream

1/2 cup chicken broth

1 chicken bouillon cube

3 garlic cloves, minced

1 (8 oz.) jar sun-dried tomatoes, drained and chopped

1 tsp. Italian seasoning

1/2 cup grated Parmesan/Romano cheese

2 TBS olive oil

Salt and Pepper  

Fresh parsley, for garnish

Pat chicken dry with paper towels and season with salt and pepper. Heat oil in large skillet or Dutch oven over medium high heat. Brown chicken well on both sides, about 5 minutes. Remove chicken to plate. In the same pan, sauté garlic for 30 seconds, stirring the entire time. Add cream, bouillon, broth, tomatoes, Italian seasoning, cheese, salt and pepper. Stir well until combined. Add chicken back to pan. Spoon some sauce over the chicken. Reduce heat to medium and cook until internal temp of chicken is 165, about 10 minutes. Garnish with parsley and serve immediately with pasta, potatoes or rice.

Marry Me Chicken

Shared at Weekend Potluck

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