Sunday, September 26, 2021

The Witching Hour

Raise your hand if the days are busier than ever and supper time seems like the witching hour most nights? Oh good, it's not just me!  

Even on the days when we don't "have anything to do" the hours get away from me and all of a sudden it's time to start prepping supper. Thank goodness for a meal plan! 

I can honestly say I don't know how you "fly by the seat of your pants" people do it. That's not an insult. To the contrary I am in awe of your ability to look in the fridge and pantry and come up with a meal at the last minute. That's just not me. I would have an anxiety attack daily! 

However, I am in a position to help make your life a little easier with this 5 ingredient pasta bake supper. Yes, I said FIVE ingredients! 

Truthfully, planners and non planners alike can appreciate this recipe. If you have these ingredients on hand you're all set. If you make your grocery list based on the menu plan like me, you can easily stay on budget. 

We can't get enough of pasta dinners, and the baked casseroles are definitely my favorites. Anytime I can pop supper in the oven and either concentrate on side dishes or dessert, or finish up my to-do list from the day (you know, the one that multiplies every time you cross something off it) it makes my life so much easier. 

Now, let's talk about frozen meatballs for a second. In my opinion, they have come so far in the last several years! I always have a bag in the freezer to use in recipes like these, or pop into the microwave for a easy protein for the little guy's lunch. 

They come in all sorts of varieties, but I use the Italian and home style the most. You can usually even find a store brand that taste just as good as their more expensive name brand counterparts. 

The next time supper time creeps up on you and it seems hopeless, remember this 5 ingredient, hearty, delicious, pasta supper that can be on the table in less than hour!

 Meatball Pasta Bake

1 lb. penne pasta

1 (24 oz.) jar marinara sauce

1 lb. frozen Italian meatballs

1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese

2 tsp. Italian Seasoning

Preheat oven to 350. Cook pasta to al dente. Meanwhile, in a large skillet or Dutch oven, heat meatballs with marinara sauce, simmering for about 5 minutes. When pasta is cooked, drained well. Mix with meatball mixture. Transfer to a greased 9x13 baking dish. Top with cheese and sprinkle with Italian seasoning. Bake for 20-30 minutes until cheese melts and casserole is bubbly. 

Shared at Weekend Potluck


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